The Begging

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----JJ's House----


One night I got home from work and the kids were asleep.
Will was drinking and I sat next to him and we talked after a while he started screaming and ended up hitting me.
I never thought he would, he's my husband. A total sweet heart as Rossi calls him, I thought maybe he just got so angry, he lost control. So I let it go and I went to bed.

The next morning at 6am my phone beeped, it was from Garcia and it said:

Avengers Assemble!
Be at the BAU in 10 mins.

With that I got up, I got dressed covering my bruise on my leg and then I put make up on my bruise on my face.
I left for work after writing will a note.
I drove to work.

---THE BAU----

Reid's POV:

JJ was already in the elevator, when I entered. I noticed a bruise on her arm, "are you ok?" I asked
"Yep, fine, a little tired that's all" she replied
"Your arm?"
"What about it Spence?"
"That bruise on your arm"
I looked at JJ, as she looked down at the bruise on her right arm and look panicked/worried/shocked.
"JJ" I said "JJ, what happened. It's just a little bruise, so why won't you tell me what happened and looking like that? Are you ok? Is Henry ok? What happened? JJ?" I asked but she didn't answer, she just stood facing the elevator exit.
The doors opened and she started walking out, I walked out then grabbed her arm, "JJ, what happened"
"Umm..ah" she said like she was trying to think of something to say "Henry got angry and he throw he sippy cut and it hit me in the arm, that's how I got this bruise"
I looked at her and she looked at me.
"If that's all" I began "why didn't you tell me when I first asked" I asked. As I knew she was lying.
"Because, I was deep in thought" she answer.
"Ok, JJ, I want the truth" I said looking worried.
"I just told you the truth, spence"
As she tried to walk off I grabbed her arm again
"Did Will hit you"
"Reid, I appreciate you being worried.." She began but I cut her off  "so it was Will" I said heading to Hotch's office but JJ grabbed my arm "Spence, I am fine"
"Listen JJ, I won't go see Hotch. If you tell me the truth. Now!"
"My old office." She said and we headed to her off and she opened the door
"JJ, the truth. Did Will hit you?"
"Why didn't you tell me"
"Because...because, he's my husband and I'm fine seriously, I'm fine"
"Why did he slap you, do you know?"
"He was drinking and got angry and hit me"
"Why did he get angry"
"Spencer. I have answered enough questions, OK, so you know what happened. You don't need to know every last detail of my life. Ok"
She said as she headed to the door.
"JJ, just one more question"
"No" she said as she started crying a little.
"Jennifer, please, just one more question. I promise, please. I need to know the answer to my last question" JJ who was still crying nodded
"Do you know why Will was angry?"
"We...we..umm" JJ stopped, she couldn't finish what she was saying,she was crying. I walked up to her, put my arm around her shoulder "Were you and Will talking about Henry, Michael or both or something totally unrelated to the kids?" I ask
"Henry" JJ finally says
"What about Henry?"
"Nothing important, just Henry is general. Anyway we started f...fighting and he" she stopped
"Hit you"
JJ nodded her head and I gave her a hug, as she was still crying a little
"JJ, it's ok" I said as she wiped her tears and said "don't tell anyone please" "JJ. Hotch needs to...." I got cut of by JJ "Please" she started to cry more and I nodded and said "fine I promise I won't" and JJ stopped crying.

Derek's POV:

I was at my desk, doing paper work when I noticed Reid entered, he looked worried and sad.
"Hey kid" I said as he sat down at his desk he looked up at me
"What's up?"
"Nothing" he replied
"You sure, are you ok?"
"I'm fine, thanks"
"I'm fine Morgan, seriously, thank you"
I sat back down as JJ entered the bull pen room, Reid looked at her and then he looked down at his hands then continued his paper work.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2016 ⏰

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