The Dog (Short Horror Story)

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Sunday 11:30 pm

Marlon: better get started on my project that's due tomorrow

Monday 1:56 am

Marlon: Finally I finished. Well I better get some sleep.

7:00 am

Marlon's Dad: Good Morning buddy time for school.

Marlon smiled and said, "okay Dad :)"

Marlon's Dad: I made your favorite... Bacon!!

Marlon: Thanks Dad :)

7:30 am

Marlon's Dad: C'mon get in the car kiddo.

Marlon: Okay Dad

7:45 am

Marlon's Dad: Well bye son I'll see you later okay take care:)

Marlon: Okay Dad bye I love you:)

Marlon's Dad: I love you too:)

8:00 am

Mrs. Johnson(Marlon's Teacher): Okay kids take your seats class has begun... Steve sit down. Be quiet class shhhhhh...

Collin: Mrs. Johnson I need to use the restroom.

Mrs. Johnson: Okay hurry up Collin you only have 5 minutes

Collin: Okay

Mrs. Johnson: Okay kids today we're learning about... Dinosaurs!!

"Yaaaaayyy!!", said the whole class, except for Marlon.

Mrs. Johnson: Can anyone tell me what they know about Dinosaurs?.....Hmmm let's see....what about you Marlon?

Marlon: That they're all dead

Mrs. Johnson: Ummmm....okay anyone else??

10:00 am: Recess

Kids ran around, went on the slides, and played tag. While Marlon sat on the bench by himself... Lonely. Just then 3 kids walked up to him

Bully #1: Hey loser. What are you doing here alone?.......oh wait I forgot you don't have any friends. Hahahaha

Bully #2: Yeah because you're a loser and you're a weirdo too.

Bully #3: Yeah hahahaha

The first bully then shoved Marlon to the wall and punched him once in the stomach and twice in the face.

10:30 am

Mrs. Johnson: Okay kids it's time to present your projects. Why don't you go first Marlon.

Marlon stood up with his project and went to the front of the class. He was nervous.

Marlon: Um... My project is the Triceratops......

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