This is How We Loved and Stuff {A Kalanthony One Shot}

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This is pretty intense.. It may or may not give you the feels.. You have been warned.


I unfolded the note for the most important speech I'll ever have to give,

"Hey Anthony, I know you've heard this so many times from me before, but I love you..You always treated me like a queen. A little nerdy queen." I read tearing up, "Whatever I wanted I got.. Even if you had to go out of your way."

I'm trying not to cry, but tears start forming in my eyes, making my vision blur, "When you first told me you loved me, it may have just been the most awkward thing. I was in my underwear and we were in the lake in the middle of the night" I said smiling, "I knew a few weeks later, you were perfect.. I mean, you ate a lot and still had that six pack."

"You would always eat my vegan food, even though you weren't vegan... You would go and eat crazy amounts of meat with Ian, just for laughs." I chuckle, thinking of the multiple Lunchtime with Smosh episodes.

"You made everything fun, even just sitting in our living room, shouting at a camera, opening mail.. You mean the world to me." I could feel tears slowly slipping down my face, "You have worn my clothing, you've let me put on make up on you, you've even bought me a slip n slide!"

I laugh between my tears. "Ah, Anthony.. You worked extremely hard for Ian, and for me. You were a best friend. Thank you for all the piggy back rides, the laughs, and everything in between. I've made you do some pretty strange things, and you to me, but that's what the best thing about is was, we weren't normal, we weren't a normal couple, we were WatchUsLiveAndStuff... And we did... I wish we still could..."

I look up. "I know your watching over me as I say this.. Baby.. I miss you.. Ian and Melanie miss you.. Buki and I miss you..." I let a tear roll down my cheek, "I love you Anthony Padilla."

I start crying, I just couldn't pretend to stay strong anymore. Ian helps me down from the podium, he is trying to be strong as well, but he probably has taken this the hardest.

"Anthony... I don't know what I'll do with out you." I was now known as the girl who traded in her white dress for the black one. A video pops up on the screen behind me and Ian, it's a WULAS video, but it's not just any vlog. It's our engagement video from Japan.

"They really did watch us live and stuff Anthony, they really did."

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