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Ms. Bustier stands at the front of the class, collecting papers from each student as they come in. She straightens out the short stack and smiles, "Now then." The teacher starts as she goes through the papers, "Since I have all your permission slips, we will be taking a trip and tour of the École Normale Supérieure college to get an idea as to where everything is located and what programs can be taken."

//what I put in this will be based off of what I saw at my local college recently at a tour. Don't hate me.//

Everyone smiles and gathers their things, Marinette smiling an especially large grin, "I guess this means we get the day off! Plus if I know what college Adrien is going to, then I might be able to join him!"
Alya sighs, "You are one heck of a stalker. You'll be lucky if you don't scare him into a restraining order by age twenty one. Anyways, we can sit with his cousin on the bus. She's the gatekeeper."
Marinette tilts her head, "What about Ethan?"
"He's a bit of a walnut. He'll probably defend and fight for his family but he's not as protective as Chrystal."
They all get up and head out in an orderly manner to a school bus. Marinette and Alya make their way ahead of everyone else, just behind Chrystal and Nathan as they get on and make their way to the back of the bus where the heater is.
Chrystal and Nathan sit right on top of the heater so that the vent warms them up directly and Marinette sits in the seat on the other side next to them.
Alya chuckles, "I'm surprised you don't want to sit with Adrien."
"Well, like you said, we have a gatekeeper now. If she gives us permission then it'll be much easier. I mean, she even got Chloé to stop clinging to him when he's in her sight. And she smacked a kid last Tuesday for picking on Nathan."
"She's not cruel but she refuses to take any attitude or bad treatment. Have you ever seen a kid run screaming and crying towards the bathroom with a handprint on their face as fast as that? I know I haven't. Now try chatting with her and don't get on her touchy side." Alya smiles.
Marinette leans over towards Chrystal and looks at the sketchbook she holds. The female seems to be drawing a small chibi and relaxing under a tree as the the warm air coming from the heating vent beneath her warms the artist, "H-Hello." She waves.
Chrystal looks up from her drawing and looks over, "Hello. How have you been, blueberry?"
"Blueb- ahem, I'm good." Marinette shrugs off the nickname, remembering Chrystal's faulty memory, "Your drawing looks lovely. What other art styles can you draw?"
"Ah, Manga, standard chibi, and a couple other cartoon styles. A few of my drawings are kind of dark, but that's alright. Drawing and painting and working with clay is kind of a therapy for me. It's supposed to help me let out my stress." She hands her phone to them and lets them look through the drawings she's taken pictures of. Alya takes the phone and starts looking through the pictures.
"That's good. So what have you heard lately about Adri-"
"If you're going to have a crush on someone, you need to make it less noticeable." The brunette looks up at Marinette who tenses up and squeaks in surprise, "I've seen your room through video chat and instead of just having pictures of him on your wall, try taking pictures of yourself and him and maybe a few other friends. That way, if he, or someone close to him is in your room, he'll just think you consider him as one of your friends, instead of your crush. Also, you need to calm down. He's a cool and nice guy, but he's just a human being like the rest of us. He's not a god or royalty. Honestly from what I've seen of him when he's interacting with others, he's kind of a dork. So just relax and treat him like everyone else."
Alya chuckles, "Sounds like you're a professional stalker."
Marinette tilts her head, "How do know all this?"
Chrystal smiles warmly, "I've had my crushes before. I know what it's like to screw up and honestly I don't care anymore. If I like a guy then fine. If I get rejected, it's not the end of the world."
"Oh... Do you like anyone now?"
"Yes, my best friend, in fact." She crosses her legs and looks to the redhead next to her out of the corner of her eye as he sits and draws in his own sketchbook, seeming to be paying too much attention to hear what they say.
Alya presses the home button to see the wallpaper being Chrystal and Nathanaël smiling at the camera over a bunch of drawing scattered over a table in the library, "Oh, I can imagine." She snickers and hands back the phone.
Kim leans over the seat and raises a brow at Nathanaël's art, "What even is that?"
The redhead looks up, "Uh... It's a girl in a long dress..."
"....... Looks kinda stupid..."
Chrystal picks up her purse, stands up and swings it, whacking the male across the face.
Kim falls back, "AGH! What's in that thing?!"
She smiles pleasantly and holds her purse to her, "twelve colored pencils, six color sticks, six graphite pencils, three charcoal pencils, three sketching sticks, three charcoal sticks, one pencil sharpener, one white eraser, a kneadable eraser, three blending stumps, one mannequin, one sketching pad, one carrying case, a six inch ruler and one sandpaper block. I'm a walking art kit, sweetie."
Nathanaël gives her a soft hug, "And a perfect muse."
Chrystal sits back down and pets his head, "Glad I could help, jellybean." She pecks his forehead with a kiss as he turns back to his drawing.
Marinette smiles, "So you're okay with me liking Adrien?"
"You seem nice. You don't lie like that girl with the brown hair and bangs. What is she, Italian?"
"Yeah, Lila isn't the most honest."
Chrystal chuckles, "I'm a walking lie detector. Lila seems to be a professional liar, but I have my methods." She smiles, "There are holes in performance and tests where she was faulty an-" she looks up to see Chloé getting very close to her cousin, "Aye! Do I need to kick you out a window?!"
The blonde crosses her arms and huffs, moving away a bit as Adrien visibly relaxes.
"That's what I thought." Chrystal nods, "Now where were we again?"
Marinette smiles, "Talking about you being a walking lie detector?"
"Oh right. Well, chances are her parents aren't very good at their job of raising children so she is off the dating roster."
Alya tilts her head, "You seem to be a little controlling, do you let your family do what they like?"
"Oh yes of course. If he wants to date someone, it's a different story and I'll gladly let him do what he likes. It's just when girls make him uncomfortable or unhappy is when I'll put a stop to things and people bullying him is a no no." she looks down as Nathanaël puts down his sketchbook and lays on his side, resting his head on her lap, facing and nuzzling into her abdomen. She pets his head and smiles, "Sweet little jellybean."
Marinette chuckles, "So is there any particular reason you protect Nathan so much besides that other fact?"
Chrystal smiles, "I protect him because in a game of chess, the queen protects her king. That will not change." She says, delving her fingers into his soft hair and scratching his head soothingly.
The bus stops outside of the college after a while and they all get off carefully heading inside.
A male teacher approaches them with a smile, "Welcome to École Normale Supérieure. I am Adam, and here we have some of the finest facilities, from a science lab to an art studio, we-" he stops as Chrystal raises her hand, "Yes?"
She blinks with big eyes, "Did you say art studio?"
"Why yes, we have a lovely wing of ceramics, painting, drawing, and even woodwork."
"A-and which way is that?"
The male chuckles, "Down the hall, to the left and strai-" he cuts off as two figures sprint past him.
Oh look. There goes Chrystal and Nathanaël sprinting down the hall. They make a sharp turn left, scrambling on the marble floor at the slippery surface for lack of traction. And they are now gone from sight.
Adrien chuckles nervously, "That's my cousin for you..."
Adam sighs, "Someone go keep a tab on them."
One of the TA's(teacher's assistant) nods and runs off down the hall after them.
"Anyways, like I was saying." He straightens himself out, "We will first be taking the right wing of the facility, looking over the math, science and forensics class." He starts walking as the others follow. They all walk into a large science lab filled with test tubes, beakers and bunsen burners.
After a small introduction of the other facilities, they reach the library and are given a break to walk around and look at some things.
Chrystal and Nathanaël are dragged back to the group covered with small drops of colorful paint and chalk dust.
The TA sighs and looks at Adam, "They painted a mural on our only 55x55 drawing paper, used up about five gallons of acrylic paint and twelve pounds of chalk pastel."
Adam's jaw drops, "But they're middle schoolers! How could they have used up so much in such little time?!"
Nathanaël looks down in slight shame, "Sorry..." he nudges Chrystal to try and get her to apologize but she just grins giddily and giggles.
"I regret nothing!" She chuckles and crosses her arms, "You gotta do stupid stuff when you're young or you'll have nothing to laugh about when you're older!"
Adam sighs, "Just go with the rest of the group..."
Chrystal giggles and grabs Nathan's hand and walks off.
Marinette chuckles, "She's so weird but in a good way!"
Tikki pokes her head out, "She's spontaneous and witty but protective and harsh when she needs to be. She'd make a good miraculous holder but she's proven to have a psychopathic and cruel nature when pushed very hard, so I don't think I'd hand her a peacock or bumble bee anytime soon."
"Yeah." the female smiles and looks up in curiosity, hearing some loud talking towards the back. She walks towards the sound to see a young female with some masculine features in a dress, cowering in a corner while what looks like a jock looms over her.
She hugs her arms to her, "I'm telling you, I'm a girl!"
The jock laughs, "You? A girl? Come on, Emerson, you were born a guy so man up and deal!"
Emerson looks at her feet, "But I don't want to be a guy. I don't like it." She starts to cry and covers her eyes, "I didn't ask to be born this way, why can't I just be a girl in peace?!"
Marinette huffs a sigh as Tikki hides and she walks over to them, "Hey, why don't you leave the girl alone?!"
The jock crosses his arms, "Emerson is a man and he should deal with it." He smirks but turns to find the female had fled, "Oh great, now look what you've done!"
"I haven't done anything, so just leave her alone. If she wants to be a girl, then let her be a girl!" She sighs and walks away, talking in a quiet voice to her kwami, "That girl didn't look very happy. We should probably get ready to handle this." She goes off to a secluded area of the large library to transform.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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