the hidden nature

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It was a warm Tuesday morning everything was the usual birds chirping. Leaves falling people going places at least how I wished it was....

I remember waking up strapped to a chair and a creature slowly making its way towards me. As it got closer I tired to free myself from the ropes but I was not strong enough .When the creature reached me I realized it looked like a woman then in the blink of an eye It bit me on the neck and lick the blood as it ran down my neck. Then it stopped and said I was the new breed and I said of what but there was no reply the creature had already left. Just then I heard a voice in my head say she's awaken you true nature as soon as the voice stopped I felt this strange power rush through my body and I grew fangs. And broke free and I ran.

All I remember is ever since the day of the accident I haven't been the same ....😶😮

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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