The Crash

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We were on our way to the cinema when it happened .I was looking forward to it all week my mum and dad never went out anywhere together we always went separately or never at all the only reason we went was because its my birthday a few days after and they had to go .

I pushed the thoughts of them not wanting to be there aside and planned on having a good day with my family we weren't one of those family's that got along a lot of the time but we still loved each other ,we still cared but no one ever really showed it we kept are self to our self and never really told each other our emotions but now . I wish we told each other what we felt, I wish we didn't go out as a family that night and i wish It didn't happen but it did and I blame my self every day for it. I wish I was the one who died .

Well what happened was me and mum were getting ready dad got ready before because he didn't make an effort because in his words 'its only the cinema' but me and mum still made an effort to look good because we never went out together not once I checked over my hair in the mirror making sure I looked presentable  ,once we got ready we got into the car quickly because it was raining hard and after a few minutes I put the radio on loud dad shouted .

"turn that off" I flinched a the tone of his voice sharp and scary and he slapped my hand away .He pressed the button to turn it off but in that second he looked down he must have turned the wheel the wrong way but he didn't notice because he was turning the music off and that was my fault.

He looked up then saw a car he swerved but that didn't make it any better mostly worse everything was in slow motion the car colliding with the big red car on the other side of the road us spinning in the air .Its was all slow all the screams were muffled all my vision was blurred .I could still see what was happening but I wish I couldn't but I did I saw it all .

We crashed against the floor my screams of pain echoed through the car our body's jerked back then forward my mum and dad were passed out against their air bags in the front well passed out I hoped .I was just sitting there screaming from the pain the car was upside down and glass found its way to cut my face .I was hearing muffled sounds sirens cars screeches from our the car and the rain patting against the car tears were streaming down my face mixed emotions were circling through my head the noises got louder and I could hear clear but it was still a bit muffled I screamed in pain as the car jutted making me jerk forward then I heard someone say

"just hang still we'll get you out" I stayed as still as I could until I felt buzzing then the side of the car dropped to the floor with a bang which made me jump and wince in pain ,I saw a paramedic crawl into the car he looked up at me and said 

"stay still ok ill get them two out and come back for you" I took in a shaky breath and nodded slowly so I wouldn't hurt my self he checked over  them and put them both on boards and took them away ,why was this happening to me what did we do to deserve this two different men came in and moved in closer to me then one said 

"where are you hurting" 

"my leg my face and my back" one of them put their hands on my side. I winced in pain as I felt there touch then one said 

"Ok were going to unbuckle you and put you onto the board ok just try to stay as still as you can"I nodded they undid my seat belt and I closed my eyes because it hurt so bad then one said 

"we're going to carry you to the board ok" I nodded as they touched me I winced again when they moved me .I screamed in pain they strapped me onto the board and said 

"we'll get you out soon its ok "They lifted me up and took me out the car people were looking there was traffic the other car upside down as well then I heard a bang . I turned my head even though it hurt our car was in flames .What if they came in seconds later what would of happened then I couldn’t bare to think it would have been my fault for  more deaths.

 They brought me into the ambulance and placed me back down my head was spinning .I closed my eyes then I heard the doors shut I opened my eyes again almost straight away  a paramedic was stood up I said 

"where's my mum and dad are they ok" he said 

"they've gone into another ambulance but I need to see if your ok"The ambulance started moving and the sirens were going off .He touched my legs and said "can you feel you legs" I nodded then said "yeah but my ankle hurts really bad" he moved his hand down to my ankle and felt it .I flinched then he said 

"I'm going to give you some gas ok for the pain" I nodded my hands were still shaking my heart was still pounding in my chest. He pulled a mask over my face then started checking me over and doing tests the car halted making his body jerk near the door then came closer to me and said 

"we're going to take you to a bed then some doctors will check you over ok" I nodded as he wheeled me out into the hospital nurses and doctors crowded around me saying different things to each other. I felt claustrophobic .

 I got took to a different space and the curtains got closed people started checking me over after about an hour I got checked over and told that i fractured my ankle and my back was badly bruised and they had to get the glass out of my face . I was laid on my bed .I rang my friend Laura to come . I felt so alone but she was on holiday so her brother Justin was coming me and are Justin good friends so I was just waiting for him .I kept asking about my mum and dad but I was getting nothing there not telling me anything .The curtain opened and I saw a nurse she said 

"can Justin come in" I nodded the nurse walked away and Justin walked he rushed to my side and said 

"Are you ok they wouldn't tell me what happened" He took my hand and I said 

"they wont tell me what’s happened to mum and dad Justin they wont tell me anything"I rushed my words he squeezed my hand and said 

"Tell me what happened then ill ask for you ok" I nodded and said 

"we we're just driving and dad hit another car we span in the air then landed upside down mum and dad got taken away but there not telling me where they wouldn't even let me in the ambulance with them Justin “ 

I said in one breath 

“ I'm scared "He held my hand  tighter and said

 "listen to me ok its going to be ok "

"but Justin - what if -what if there" I was going to finish but I couldn't I had a lump in the back of my throat and tried not letting tears spill then he said

 "ill go to ask ok "I nodded then he left .I pulled my knees up to my chest and kept hoping nothing happened to them  after a few minutes Justin came back his face looked worried and scared, pale and colourless .

 "Justin what is it where are they"He walked to my bed and keeled down so his face was on the same level as mine.

"Justin stop, tell me your scaring me" he took my hand then said 

"Rebecca look at me " I looked into his eyes he looked scared he never used my full name .

"listen to me it will be ok "  He said calmly .

"what will Justin just tell me for god sake" his hands gripped mine tighter.

"your mum and dad" tears welled up in my eyes before he said it he was going to tell me there were gone wasn’t he ,he was going to tell me they left he carried on and said 

"The impact"He swallowed it was hard for him to speak then he said 

"it was bad there brains got" My hands started shaking my breathing was heavier than before then he carried on  

"damaged as soon as it happened"I pulled my hand away from his and said 

"that doesn't mean they're " I couldn't say the word it scared me to much Justin said 

"Rebecca their brains were damaged as soon as it happened they died straight away"

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