Part 1 How It All Started

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This is the story of a girl named Gabby and a her friend Seth. From the start Gabby was not like the other kids she loved fire and not in a good way. Her friend Seth was just like her but he felt no pain. It was not tell to long ago that Gabby's mother started to see how strange She was acting, so she took her to a therapist. This made things worse!
Gabby attempted to murder therapist after three questions. When the therapist asked what was wrong she say nothing and did nothing when the therapist asked if she's was being bully she said and did nothing again, but when she asked of she was ok Gabby's eye seemed to ...twitch. Again the therapist ask of she was ok this time Gabby grabbed a pin next to her and through her self at the therapist yelling " burn burn in hell "she yelled this through tears.
She succeed in pursuing the therapist side, but fail to stay on her she was pulled off by her mother how at this point was petrified. Then in a anger rage Gabby had released a cures put on her by a man named Zalgo. Her hair slowly started to flame it didn't hurt her, but it harmed her mother how was screaming tell for some reason she screamed no more. Gabby turned around to see nothing but the burned body of her mother.
The therapist was in shock from Gabby's flaming hair. Gabby cried so much and so hard that the flames when from red to blue, this her sadness became anger an anger beyond belief. The next thing Gabby know she was laying in the forbidden Wood's Seth was laying next the her his face seemed to be sad and scared!?!? His hair was red not blond like normal.
When Gabby looked to the opposite side of Seth, she saw a tall figure with no face and white skin and a tuxedo standing in front of her. A man walked out from behind the figure he had a leather jacket, brown hair and, a mask with black lips and black eyes he stood on the right of the figure. Two more people walked out from behind the figure one in a hoodie and a face mask with a red smile, and red eye the other with a pair of orange jojles, and a face mask over his mouth they both stood on the lift of the figure!?!? Seth was starting to wake up now. be continued

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