I. The Glow

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It is both terrifying and horrible, having looked at these same pair of eyes that have looked at you your whole life, suddenly gives you the urge to run away.  An urge to disgust you, to wish you weren't even alive. The glows they saw at the distance were now all around them, from across the moors they saw neighboring villages turned to ash and it was now their turn. Fire took their homestead, along with the cabins and pens that held the livestock before they were slaughtered. A son and his younger brother, both alongside their dead father who had tried to protect them. An ungraceful death, eyes still open, sprawled on the dirt, staring at his boys.

The younger one was still crying, the older... ran out of tears, instead passing the occasional whimper and gasp. He gripped the spear in a tight squeeze, it was much larger than himself, several feet longer. With a deep breath he pulled his younger brother away from their father's corpse despite his struggle. They had little, but they fled for the hills away from home. Taking the last living horse, they rode away from the anguish and travesty while still holding back whimpers. 

When the men fought back, they were no better than the sheep that were slaughtered. Nothing to pierce the strangers' armor and to parry their longswords. Heavily armed and armoured pale men just cut them down one by one. There was, however one juncture that will forever imprint their minds. Their father, along with other men of the village were pushing a final charge to their leader, he had no time to draw his sword and his horse had already reared up, some sort of retribution to be had but all for not.

It was unlike anything that the boys had seen before, that full plated armored man who had lead the soldiers to pillage had merely lifted his hand. A sense of inner gravity was felt, as if feeling slightly pulled into oneself and outward to every direction at the same time. Sparks that flew out of his hand created a brightness that had nearly blinded them. The shock was not instant, it flowed slowly and quickly into their father who had been his target. Their father's nerves, veins, and eyes glowed a bright blue as he twitched to the jolt of power surging up and down his body. The blue current raised him and the others from the ground, and threw them away to their deaths like trash.

A flash of blue, light, and death. The boys will never forget it.

Their family, was gone. Its just him and his younger brother now. From atop the hills he saw the home he had known his whole life burn a bright glow, along with it their father. He could only wonder how many of the others had escaped, or if the men in plate armor are in search of them, It does not matter. The boy pulled the reins tightly, and rode for the forrested lands for shelter. It was over for their home and their friends. It was not over for them, not while they live, not yet.  

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