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I was sitting on the bleachers watching the football game when- "AHHH! YES WE SCORED! GO LEPORDS!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

oh hi! sorry I forgot to introduce myself!

I'm Phil, Phil Lester, captain of the mathletes and president of student council.

some people think I'm a nerd, well with my glasses and straight A's but I'm more like those emo kids that never take their earbuds out, I listen to MCR, BMTH, FOB, etc. I also have hair similar to an emo, but trust me I'm not emo.

I've always wanted to try sports, but I'm about as athletic as a camel with high heels. and there's too many hot guys that do sports.

if you haven't already guessed by that last statement yes, I am gay but the only person that knows is my best friend, Sophie.

Sophie and I have known each other since birth, our parents were hospital roommates when they went into labor together at the same time. I know crazy right?

she is just like me, with her caramel fringe and music taste.


sorry i get a little over excited about football, but not because of the game, no, it's because the hottest senior is on the team.

yes you heard me right THE HOTTEST, if you put Brendon Urie and Harry Styles in the same room and told them to make a baby, the baby would be Dan.

Dan Howell oh god, he's so cute and athletic! it's a sin for someone to be so good looking.

he is the captain of the football team and has all the girls drooling over him.

yes he's straight, I know so disappointing right? and he has a girlfriend who's on the cheerleading squad! how basic... white football player who's wildly popular and a white cheerleader who's blonde and popular.

her name is Ashley, ugh i hate that name. my second cousin was named Ashley but she is a transgender boy and now he is called Ash...

anyways enough about the hottie of the school.

oh yea the school!

I attend Londonville High, home of the leopards. I know it's such a cliche name.

this is my 4th year and yes I'm a senior...

Anyways back to Dan Howell...

he has such pretty eyes...

mine are just a boring shade of blue, HIS eyes are chocolate brown with yellow specks.

My mission is to get one kiss from him by New Years, which since today is October 18th is going to take a while.

You know, you can't turn a straight boy into your man overnight. It's going to take A LOT of work.

And by a lot I mean A LOT....

So if that means, being sneaky, depriving, sly and clever....

I'm all for it!

he is so worth it, god id love to pin him up against a wall and- "AH YES WE WON, GO LEPORDS!"

'LEPORDS LEPORDS LEPORDS!' everyone was chanting so, I joined in.

so annyways, my name is Phil Lester and I have a plan...

to get a kiss from the hottest guy in school by New Years...

Step 1: apply to be his roommate

step 2: become his best friend

step 3: get Ashley out of the picture

step 4: turn him gay

step 5: kiss

i dont know if this plan is going to work, but hey it never hurts to try right?


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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