Typically Twisted

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10 days ago I was just a 17 years old highschool student, feeling like a part of me is missing. Typical teenage feeling? Not in my case. I'm born in a happy family, I get everything I want and have been treated like a princess ever since. Yeap, that's me.

But what do you do when you fall for your best friend? You confess, you lose him. You don't confess, you lose him too! Sure I get whatever I want, but that's only because I'm the only child in the family and the old fellows doesn't have anything else to spend their fortune on.

I made my way towards my locker, this is the time where I would feel disgusted to be around all the sweaty football guys making their way to the shower room.

1907 I entered my pin.

That was the date where my best friend and I decided to get along. A little obsessed? I think not.

I swung open the blue locker door and a white rose fell out from the edge of the locker and kissed the face of the floor.

It's no surprise for me, really. I'm not saying that I'm popular or anything because I really aren't. I'm not like a cheerleader or a straight A student.

I've been getting these white roses since the second day I met my best friend, Liam.

This isn't a typical story about how your crush ended up having a crush on you too and live happily ever after. Those are just stories messing with your mind trying to give you fake hope.

I'll admit the first time I got it, I was surprised and overjoyed. But then it got boring after sometimes. Some people might consider it as lucky for getting a rose every school day for the past 5 years.

I picked up the white rose and trashed it. Rude? I honestly don't have any space for any more roses. Sure most of them are dead considering my bad gardening skill. But I just don't have the time to care anymore.

If he's an admirer, might as well just come infront of me and ask me out. I don't care if he's actually a she, I just want to get over it.

I placed my books into my locker and slammed it. Finding a black haired guy with gorgeous brown eyes and probably the most perfect face shape I've seen so far. Liam.

"Why so moody?" He smirked and picked up his skate board that was under his feet.

"Why so caring?" We've been doing this for the past 5 years and there's nothing rude to it anymore, it's more of a joke now.

We laughed and went to the nearest coffee shop with probably the best pie in the world... my world at least.

We ordered our usual. Mine would be Vanilla Latte with Banoffee Pie and his would be Mocha Latte with Banoffee Pie.

"So what's your plan for tomorrow?" He gestured for the brunette waitress to get going.

"What's tomorrow?" I crossed my arms on the coffee table pretending that I have no clue.

"Your birthday." He rolled his eyes knowing that I was testing him.

"I'm having a party at my place. Invitation has been sent out." I laughed while receiving my coffee from the waitress.

"Where's mine?" He stirred his coffee with the coffee spoon while pouting.

"You're not invited." I said in a teasing tone and drank my coffee.

"You're mean."

"Thank you."

We both laughed like nobody's business. Only 5 years and we're probably closer than a married couples. People mistake us for couples sometimes and I just secretly wish we were.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2013 ⏰

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