The Last Page Of TGLATF

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"Auh! I love them so much!"

"There so cute!"

"Why do they always cuddle?"

"You sound annoyed, this is pure cuteness!"

"Guys, shut the fuck up" I heard Tyler grown.

"Yeah, really" I move my hands to my eyes.

I felt Tylers arm over me, and his chest against my side. Our legs were tangled together.

"Auhh, you guys woke em up! Look at what you did!" Lyle says.

I open my eyes, all the boys were surrounding the couch Tyler and I were sleeping on.

"Are you guys dating yet?" Lyle asks, getting into the topic.

"No" Tyler answers.

"Well by the sight here, it looks like you guys are" Phoenix says not impressed.

Tyler was spooning me, his face was pretty much in the crock of my neck.

I roll my eyes, "whatever" I get up and walk to the kitchen. Tyler starts getting upset with the boys for asking if we were dating and driving me away from him on the couch.

I start to make pancakes.

Soon everyone was situated at the table waiting for a pancake. They were like pigs.

They would fight for a pancake like starving wild animals.

I would roll my eyes.

Once breakfast was done we decided it would be safer if we just stayed inside, we didn't kill the men, we just hurt them badly, other than Connor and Jayson. But they were the worst of the whole group there.

We decided to watch Netflix. Well, once the boys went home and change, there cloths were covered in blood.

I changed and drove Tyler home, he changed and I drove him back to my house.

The boys were already in my house.

"I locked the door?"

"We can pick locks" Chase says unimpressed watching a movie.

"What movie you guys watching?" Tyler asks.

"Fast And Furious, were going to watch all the movies to it, this is number one" Lyle says with a smile.

Tyler and I sat on the couch, we were holding hands. Because somewhere in the middle of the movie Tyler crept his hand closer to mine so we would hold hands.

The others sat on the floor, in front of us. Around the third movie I fell asleep and Tyler did soon after.

We were embracing eachother.

I opened my eyes a couple hours later. The boys were gone, other than Tyler who was still watching Fast And Furious, it was probably around the fifth or sixth one.

He looks at me, smiles and says. "Good afternoon" I laugh, "when did you wake up?" I ask.

"Meh, five, six minutes ago."

"Oh, where's the boys?"

"They left, they think somethings going to go on."

I blush, I knew what he meant.

"Oh" I look at the TV, Tyler was still looking at me.

He was smiling. He kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and looked at him.

He put his hand on my cheek leaned in and kissed me on the lips, we sat there for a minute passionately kissing. Not how the usual bad boy would kiss. I felt bubbly, I had butterflies in my stomach, I felt close to him. Literally. I set my hand on his, we sat there and kissed.

We pulled apart and he looks at me in the eyes.

"Sasha, I really like you" I could feel my face become warm.

"Will you please go out with me?" He asks.

Oh my god.

My face becomes even more warm, I bet my face was as reds as a fire truck.

I threw him a cheesy smile and spoke, "yes Tyler, I would love to be your girlfriend" I look down at our intertwined fingers.

He looks down to and sets our heads together.

He loves me.

He cares for me.

The bad boy is soft for me.

The bad boy would die for me.

The bad boy is my boyfriend.

And I love him.


That was the last page of TGLATF

So I felt like I needed to publish this. I'm not done yet but here's a couple chapters.


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