I want to see your smile

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Mavis Vermillion was on her way to school. She was fun, outgoing, and bright. There is said to be a new student arriving at Fairy Academy. She couldn't wait to meet them.

At school she would always read about fairies. They seemed to peek her interest. She always dreams of meeting one. Mavis also has an imaginary guild in her mind that holds all magic users. She is lonely, with only one friend. Zera still doesn't believe in fairies but will support her friend.

I'm first period was when she was introduced to him. He was dark, lonely, and wouldn't even smile. Strange... His name? Zeref Dragneel. His spot was right next to Mavis. They were computer polar opposites. She was full of color and would always hold a smile. He was drained of color and rarely smiled.

"I heard he hasn't smiled in years," says Zera.
"Oh I will make him give the biggest most amazing smile in his life!" Mavis replied.

She drew a picture of a smiling face and said "hi how are you?" She passed it to Zeref. He opened it stared at it. He made a slight glance to Mavis. And he.......did nothing. Like seriously nothing.

Mavis tried everything from mini puppet shows, to high fives, poetry, even attempting to sing a song. Nothing. Nothing but eyes filled with sorrow. Why?

This calls for drastic measures! Mavis thought. During lunch and they were outside Mavis followed him to the back of the school. She was surely gonna give him a major surprise.

"Tickle attack!" She yelled while sprinting towards Zeref. As she was he turned around and she saw...tears?

Mavis stopped and said,"He-hey are you okay?"

"I see you haven't stopped trying to make me smile." Zeref said.

Mavis was shocked to finally hear his voice. It was low and obviously was clogged with emotion. She asked him,"Why don't you smile? It may be strange to ask but why? I always wanna make everyone smile."

Zeref sighed,"It happened 7 years ago. My parents died. I can't help but think it's my fault. I have a brother, Nastu. He seemed so passionate to fire. He would set fire to everything. But who showed him? Me. What a mistake that was. One day he went out of control and set fire at night when everyone was asleep. I woke up to see what was going on. Natsu was there unconscious. I dragged him out the house and was going to go back to save my parents. I was too late. The firefighters insisted they could handle it. I couldn't even have my brother. They took him a way from me. It wasn't their decision it was mine. He was a walking memory which I only share. He was in a coma for 5 months and forgot everything. He was adopted as was I. I never saw him since but I still like to visit my parents grave and think, what have I done?" Zeref ends up crying.

"Please leave me be I want to be alone."
Mavis is now sniffling as she walks out. How could I be so selfish? I should go. The rest of the day is slow and quiet for Mavis. She doesn't talk, she doesn't giggle, and she doesn't smile.

At the end of the day she decides to walk alone. A rock. Her foot. She trips. Books go flying everywhere. Bruises and scratches cover her body. She's sobbing. He's there.

"Mavis, please don't cry." Zeref says. Mavis looks up at him with tears. Zeref pauses to see into her hazel eyes. Then, he smiles.

And she does too

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