Chapter One: Memories and Thoughts

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I walked along the dull, dry, dusty beach with my arms folded around myself and my feet grinding into the grainy, sand. I was wearing shorts and a vest top unlike the other people that I caught a quick glimpse of scurrying past on that cold, autumn day. I couldn't feel cool breeze that was billowing in my golden wavy hair that badly though. It didnt really make any difference because I could wear shorts in the rain and snow and I wouldnt show a flicker of emotion towards the weather as I was unlike other people. I was a vampire, the walking dead, so very alive but so unliving at the same time. My face looked young but my eyes were so.old, nearly a century old. If someone looked properly they could see that my sad eyes told a story and a very long, boring, mad one too.

The thing was though, I wasnt JUST a vampire, I also had some sort of unknown, rare magic. I could make things appear right in front of me, see into the future, see someones past and persuade people to do things with my voice if I really put my mind to it. I dont know how it happened but from what I know it was something to do with where my mind was at when I was changed.

I plonked myself down on a dull, bulgy looking rock nearby and let the memories and thoughts come flowing back to my mind as I replayed the scene of my beginning and end at the same time over in my head.

"Just think of the power, the wealth, the fame, the joy of it, living with me forever." Carl hissed into my ear, making me shiver. He was trying to persuade me to change into one of him, a vampire.

"I dont want to live that sort of life, Carl! I just want to be normal!" I protested.

"But, Paige, my darling. It will all become very normal soon to you. I promise." He reassured me, leering over my neck and looking deep into my eyes with his ice cold, snake green slits.

"But what about my family?! My friends? My LIFE?!" I asked him.

He flipped his pale hand in the air and rolled his mean eyes in disgust as I said that. "They will all die in.good time and I will help you make it faster to cause less pain." He said simply, as if that didnt matter. He then added, "And you will have a life. You will live with me forever and help me with my plan of destruction!" He cheered.

His ambition was to take over the world and fill it with vampires. He thought he would be doing people good but I saw straight through him. He wanted money, fame, control and mainly power. He wanted to feel big. Well, I certainly wasnt helping him with that. He could go to hell, where he belonged. Except he wouldnt burn there, would he? He would live forever just like I would. He would live until the sun burnt the earth to a crisp and then on after. We and the rest of the vampires would keep living and living and living, on and on and on, APPARENTLY never getting bored. Maybe if I had never met Carl then there was a high chance I wouldnt of been changed. I first met him at a party. He was really interesting and I was drawn to him, there was just something about him. The elegance in the way he walked, his dark brown tousled hair, his deathly pale face, piercing green eyes, shining, sharp, perfectly straight teeth, the hungry look in his face and the way he was dressed. It was just everything. He was so unique and different. He stood out from the crowd and yet no one else seemed to notice him and if they did then they chose to ignore him as if he were just some pesky little fly.

I remember I had been watching him for some time and he didnt seem to realise so I left and walked to the other side of the room to get a drink. I felt a sudden weird sense and I swooshed around making my skirts blow up and there in front of me was Carl. He literally took my breath away. We went outside for a walk and got to know each other and soon enough, we fell in love and had a whirlwind of a romance. Or so I thought.

Many months later I knew that Carl was neither a human nor an alien and I thought that I had to find out sooner or later so I did some research. Lots of research. The final conclusion that I came up with was that he was a vampire and when I revealed my theory to him he didnt deny it. Now that I knew, he said he thought it was time that I changed into on of his kind and when I rejected this proposal, he became very angry indeed and this was when the arguments started up.

"No, Im leaving now sorry. Farewell Carlos." I went to bid him goodbye.

"NO!" He roared, strongly grabbing hold of me by the wrist and slamming me into the rose pattern wall on the otherside of the room with just his little finger. My fragile head smashed into the decorated wall and I swished back down onto the soft creme carpeted floor with a thud.

I was in shock at what Carl had just done as he had never laid a finger on me even though he could. I looked up at him, expecting to see regret and sorrow in his eyes but he showed no emotion whatsoever. He slithered up to me in seconds and grabbed my neck.

"You will be like me by the end of the night." He promised me.


I wriggled and squirmed as he latched his teeth onto my neck and began to suck. I screamed and sqealed as the venom started making its way into my body, swishing around and around, never to be let out. I cried and the tears showered down my wet cheeks as the burning and what seemed like never ending pain went round and round my body making me want to die and never come back alive there and then. Carl punched me again and again when I didnt shut up but I couldnt stop the noise. I thought it would never end. I thought I would be going through those hours over and over again, for forever. Why was Carl doing this to me? What about all the times he told me he loved me? What monster would want to torture someone they truly LOVED?

Eventually, it DID end. The so called never ending pain now feels like nothing. If I think really hard then I new will feel a flicker of the pain but it doesnt hurt. Nothing can hurt me now.

When I awoke that morning, (yes vampires CAN sleep if they feel like it.) there was no one lying next to me in mine and Carls double bed. There was a note though and I can still remember exactly what it said:


Still to this day, that note makes me feel sick to the stomach. Well at least I think it does. You see, I cant be sick. I cant give birth. I cant break my nails or my hair. I dont get spots. I dont have periods. I dont get old. I dont become exhausted or tired. I cant cry. My body is just still, in a pause. Except this pause doesnt have a play button so I am forever stuck like this. But thats all from the outside. From the inside I grow old, I am breaking, exhausted, tired, sick, spotty and bloody. From the inside I am old and withering. From the outside I will remain forever a seventeen and a half year old girl with a hope that one day her life will suddenly be played again and carried on as if nothing had happened.  

I got up from the damp, clammy rock and brushed myself down. It had started to drizzle now and the sky was black and terribly cloudy. Although I would of loved to sit down and put my face up to the rain as if I were crying, I couldnt be bothered with people staring at me.

As I made my way back to my penthouse, the lovely penthouse I inhabitated that I would soon have to leave to stay in disguise because people would notice I wasn't getting any older, I thought to myself the same thing that I usually thought to myself:


A/N : Hey people ! Thanks for reading this and I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter to this new book of mine !

I apologise about the spelling and grammar, it is because I am using my phone at the moment but I will make sure to correct it as soon as I go on my mum's laptop !

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