Chapter One

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The alarm on my wristband, which was lying on my bedside, beeped, waking me up. It was 5:30 in the morning. I slapped my hand over the button, turning it off. I quickly shook off my quilt, sat up, rubbed my eyes and yawned, then stuck my feet into my foot-warming slippers. I stood up, and walked downstairs.

I proceeded to find a quick square meal in the cupboard, which was just a small bar with nutrients and vitamins in it, and a bit of a flavour.  I then went to the bathroom, to splash some cold water on my face, ate a tooth-cleaning fluoride mint, brush my hair and tie it back, and put on a bit of mascara. Afterwards I went back to my room, where I put on my work outfit.

My work outfit was quite special, because it was an official Government outfit, which was where I worked.  My loose-fitting red shirt was protected against all elements in some strange, high-tech way,  my pants, made of synthetic black material, had secret pockets and a storage belt, which concealed a stun blaster. And my red, gold, and black cap had a built in communicator. After I had put all this on, I went to the front hall of my house, put on my shoes, and strapped my jets to them, so I could get to work.

I opened the front door, and jumped out. The jets on my feet immediately kicked in and I soared away from my house through the drizzly sky along with the other Government workers. This was the Morning Official flight. It was called this because only Government people were allowed out this early so that they could get to work uninterrupted.

After a few minutes, I arrived at my department's floor. I worked at the Central Intelligence Department. Here we took care of people's files, and when it was needed, organized spy work.


I was halfway through my day, when an alarm started blaring. A voice yelled into my and my co-workers' communicators: "Everybody gather in the Main Hall! HURRY!"

I was startled, the Main Hall was only for emergencies. I shot to the highspeed escalator. I then used my jets to propel myself to the Main Hall. I had never actually been there, so I didn't know where it was, but I just typed the name into my wristband. 

When I got there, I was amazed at the size of the room. But I didn't have much time to look around, because an important-looking official at the front of the room coughed, and everyone was silent. Then he addressed everyone. 

He proceeded to tell an abridged story of the Great War, how the four planets, Udara the Air planet, Zjarr the Fire planet, Vesi the Water Planet and Yer the Earth planet, were all turned against each other by the Irinduine Empire, so that they could begin their quest to rule the Solar System by taking over the four planets with their Cyborg army. He told of how the Dictator had emerged suddenly and come out of hiding on Vesi, took over the planet, and used their troops as well as his own to take over Yer, and cut those two planets off from the others. Finally he talked about how the planets had then fought back, as soon as the leader of Zjarr realized the Empire's intentions. The leader had rallied up all the other planets, and together they could defeat the Empire.

The whole time he was telling this story, everyone was silent, sensing bad news. And it came, indeed. "People of Udara..." he said in a grave and shaky voice. "I have some very bad news for you. A signal has been found by our spies, one that has not been seen for more than 80 years." 

Everybody visibly stiffened. 

"It is the signal... of the..... the Irinduine empire."

Everyone was completely silent.

Greetings everybody,

I know this is a lot of new information to swallow, sorry about that. This chapter is just to lay the basis down for the story! ^-^

See you later!

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