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I grip onto my seat as the dropship makes its plummeting descent to earth with me and a hundred other delinquents. Although I was securely strapped in, the force shook me in my seat. I closed my eyes trying to block out the feeling that I plummeting to my death. Perhaps I should explain why I am here.

My name is Anna Kasik. My dad was the assistant to Chancellor Jaha. I grew up on the Alpha Space Station, along with my parents, Sarah and Joe Kasik. Growing up my best friends were Clarke Griffin and Wells Jaha. Of course that all changed when my dad helped Clarke's dad, Jake Griffin, inform the people that they were running out of oxygen, against the Chancellor Jaha's orders.

Chancellor Jaha voted not to flout my dad, after all he was one of my dad's only friends, but then the council outvoted him. So there I was 13 years old watching my dad be executed by the hands of my best friend Wells "the future chancellor". Chancellor Jaha stood by, unable to commit my father to death himself, he watched his son step up and pull the lever himself, releasing my dad into space infinitely. Thousands of memories plagued my mind that day. Memories of my mom and dad taking turns reading bed time stories to me when I was little, exploring "hidden passages" in the ark with my dad right before curfew. Asking my dad to teach me to play chess so I could finally beat Wells. And I did by the way. After years of practice I finally did, the day before my father's execution.

After my farther got floated it wasn't Wells, nor Clarke who comforted me, but Chancellor Jaha. After all, he never approved of killing my father, and he was my fathers closet friend. But I let my anger consume me. I pushed away my mom and my friends and held a bitter grudge against anyone involved in my fathers death. That's what got me in trouble.

One day Wells was walking through my corridor and I snapped. I attacked him and landed myself a spot in a cell to wait until I was 18 and could be floated. Sent to die for my crimes just like my father. But at 17, I along with the other 99 teen prisoners were given a second chance. We were sent to earth to find out if it was survivable.
That was where I was now, plummeting down to earth with the other prisoners.

I am jolted out of my thoughts as a screen above us crackles to life. Chancellor Jana's face soon appeared. "Prisoners of the Ark, hear me now, you've been given a second chance. I hope that you'll see this not only has as a second chance for you but for all of us." He announces.  "We have no idea what is waiting for you down there. If the odds of survival were better we would have sent others  frankly we are sending you because your crimes make you expendable."
Suddenly the dropship begins to shake even more violently than before. The Chancellor's last words rang in my head. "Your crimes make you expendable. We were their test subjects. They didn't care about us. We were only a disposable sacrifice. With that thought, all went dark. Only a few blinking lights lighted the ship just enough to see.

"Everyone ok?" A voice shouts, standing up. I look to see the blonde haired figure is none other than the one and only Clarke Griffin A chorus of positive replies answered her. I hadn't seen Clarke in three years. It was going to take some getting use to being around my childhood best friend. I unbuckle my safety belt and warily stand up. People begin to do the same around me.

I scan the crowd to see anyone else that I recognize. I look to see Octavia to my right. We occasionally shared ajoining cells. I call out to her and she gives me a small smile in return.

"Alright let's open this door and see what's out there!" A guy says. "Wait!" Clarke calls, "The air could be toxic." She says urgently. "If the airs toxic then we're already dead." The same tall, tan, brown haired guy stated simply. "Wait Bellamy?" Octavia gasps from beside me, pushing her way through the crowd to meet him.

"That's the girl they found in the floor." She wasn't supposed to be born." Several people whisper. I watch as  the guy hugs her tightly. It wasn't hard to recognize the two's sibling resemblance.
The Crowds continued gossiping finally reached Octavia's ears and she pulls back from her brothers embrace to lunch herself at the rumoring people. But Bellamy stops her "Octavia no! We'll give them something else to remember you by." He says. "Like what?" Octavia asks. "Being the first one on the ground" Bellamy replies. They both grin as they open the door.

Blinding light floods my eyes as the doors slowly open. After a few seconds my vision clears as I begin to look around in awe. Trees, dirt, sun, sky and leaves they are all real and right in front of me. Octavia walks cautiously to the end of the ramp and steps into the ground. "WE'RE BACK!" She yells. Everyone began to push their way out of the dropship. By the time I got out everyone has dispersed and were investigating their new surroundings. I take a deep breath of fresh air and chuckle to myself. I had dreamed of this day but I never thought it would come. I wander into a think grove of trees, spinning around, taking in my surrounding. I was finally here running through what I had only read about in books before.

I heard crunching noises behind me and turn to see Octavia jogging towards me. "Isn't this great!" She exclaims grinning widely and taking in another breath of fresh air. "It's absolutely breathtaking." I respond.

I see her brother approaching is. "You should stay close to the dropship, we don't know what's out there yet" He warns. "Oh come on Bell! We just got here, let's live a little." She exclaims. He just rolls his eyes and gives her a serious look.

"Oh Bellamy meet Anna. She was in the cell next to mine. Anna this is my brother." Octavia introduces. "Nice to meet you." Bellamy says, offering his hand. "Like wise." I say, shaking his hand. I can't help but notice how warm and strong his grip was. Octavia and Bellamy begin to walk back to the dropship, leaving me alone among the trees once again.

I wander deeper into the woods and find a log to sit down on to rest. My dad would have loved it here. He was always the one reading me stories of adventures in far away lands and bringing me nature books to read when I was older. I always had a fascination with earth.

I jump as I hear twigs snap to my left. I turn to see a boy about my age with beautiful blue eyes, lurking in the woods. "You scared me!" I exclaim. He just smirked and rolled his eyes silently. "What's your name?" I ask. "Murphy" he says, then without another word he disappears.

I didn't see anymore of Murphy until I arrive back at the dropship. I found Bellamy, Clarke and Octavia staring at something at was written on the dropship. As I get closer I can see it read "WELLS JAHA FIRST SON TO DYE". I notice Murphy walk by and smile a bit. "Next time you want to kill someone don't announce it." Bellamy sneers, scowling at Murphy.

My mind was to confused to process what was going on. Wells Jaha was here. On the ground, with me. The person I was locked up for attacking was here with me.

"You spelled die wrong" a voice said a few feet away. I slowly turn my head. I didn't want to know who belonged to that voice. I never wanted to hear that voice again. It invited anger in my chest. Sure enough I turn to see none other than Wells Jaha standing in front of me. Wells' eyes widen as he realizes who I am. "Anna I- " he starts. I put my hand out to stop him. "I-I have to go" I whisper.

I spend an hour or so pacing back and forth behind the dropship. This couldn't be happening. This was supposed to be a second chance. I couldn't have to live here with him.

My eyes catch sight of what Murphy had written. On an impulse, I walk over to it and find a knife still in the ground. I quickly take it out and and fix "dye" so it's spelled correctly "die".

From then on I tried my best to avoid Wells Jaha at all costs.

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