Chained but Free

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Once Upon A Time...

"God why do you hate me...?"

Gunfire and cries can be heard from afar, his ears bleed and his head spinning; he collapsed once again. Not bothering to get up, he laid in the solid, hard, unforgiving ground. He clenched his teeth, gritted in pain biting his lip. He looked up at the sky, grey and dark clouds covered the sky. A frown formed upon his face, not liking the thought, that the only thing he'll ever remember or see, before he dies...was dark clouds; and a frown upon his face. Eyes frowning heavy an the need to just sleep took over his body as his mind wonders. What will happen next, where will he go after Death? The scary thoughts trapped him, surrounded him in an eternal space of negativity and darkness. He wanted out. So he climbed, climbed, climbed until his nails ripped, his fingers bled and his strength worn out. Until he went into the light, the way out was near.

All of a sudden, it was like a breath of pure air he took in instead of gas, smoke n' blood; surprised he breathed once again, the soldier in midst confusion. His red hair covered his right eye, his injuries caused by War, mostly concerned with his eye. The thought of losing his eye sight was terrifying to think or even consider the most. He loved his sight, and just like that, he could lose it. But even at the thought of that terrifying outcome, it was like a splash of water overcame his body, making him shiver but felt no fear. What was this place? He finally scanned his surroundings, badly at that, but none the less, all that was there in the space he was in, was pure white. He got the courage to get up, despite his injuries, a stumble he gave but the soldier stood his ground. He look at himself from top to bottom only to find that no injuries were present, his expression confused and baffled at his appearance. How? How did his injuries disappear like that, except his right eye?

"I can answer that, O' Dear Soldier, whom fought bravely for a Country he loved and believed in." Celestial and pure aura swept the soldier off his feet, he felt like he was in mid air. The feeling and emotions he felt can be seen in his eye, his expression and position stayed the same. "O' Lord give strength to this man, whom is brave, strong and loving. O' Mighty One, forgive his Sins and Wrings, as you did for me." Strands of long white, pure, glistening silver covered almost everything as the soldier made out a room. Before he could look up, a pair of hands which were soft and gentle, covered his eyes, the gentle, soft sweet voice spoke once again, "Don't fear me, for I am your saviour. Don't hurt me, for I am fragile as glass. Don't try to break me, for I am already broken. Please, love me, for you can fix what has been broken." The soldier gulped and nodded nervously, prepared to look upon his so called "Saviour". The pair of hands let go, sliding off his injured eye, nothing hurt though he took note. As it was like whatever the Saviour touched, can't be broken or hurt, only healed and pieced back.

Except for the Saviour itself...

What the soldier saw before him was an Angel, with long beautiful hair, covering everything and around him, a golden bird seated upon the Angels head. Even though this Angel had no wings, he was sure that Angel didn't need any to look as pure as now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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