Chapter One, Part One

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"Jacob, come in here," Uncle's voice echoed through the mostly empty house. I knew I could not ignore him. The result would push me to my limits. Being the nephew of a criminal sure sucked. Most of the time, any way.

I tucked my homework into the textbook I'd been pouring over, and pushed myself up from the depths of my La-Z-Boy. Knowing I'd never finish the assignment if I set my textbook down, I tucked it under my arm and trudged down the hall. The photos hanging on the walls seemed to watch me make yet another trip to Uncle's office. The door was cracked slightly, but I knew the scene that awaited me on the other side. Uncle would inform me of his next "business" trip. No locations, no identifying information, no names of who he would be going with. Just the date he would be leaving, and the date when he should be back.

After a moment of hesitation, I pushed the door and strode into the room. A quick scan proved my initial assumption to be correct.

"Sit down, Jacob." Uncle motioned to the only unoccupied chair. With a slow nod, I settled into the vacant space, laying my textbook on my lap. Obedience pays in this house, a lesson I quickly learned. Uncle watched me intently for a moment, studying my movements. Though I knew it to be routine, I grew nervous every time his eyes bore into my skull, the way he would look me over as if he were judging my value. I squirmed in my seat, clearly uncomfortable, clearing my throat. Anything I could do to break that stare... 

"What did you need, Uncle?" I knew the upcoming speech by heart. He'd begin by telling me that he'd be going away on "business" again. He would emphasize that no one needed to know he was gone, and he'd assure me that he'd be back on *insert date here*. His mood would switch to that of a father, insisting that I behave for Marrie, our housekeeper, slash mother figure. 

Something in the set of his jaw told me this time would be different. "Jacob, you know you're like a son to me," Uncle started and silence filled the room. My gaze snapped to Uncle's face. He had never given me a compliment or showed affection towards me. "I'm afraid I won't be coming back this time. When I leave tomorrow afternoon, you will not see me again. Marrie will continue to take care of you, so please, be good for her..." Uncle continued, but I stopped listening to the words. I was still trying to comprehend what was going on. Uncle was leaving? Never coming back? What could make Uncle, the fearless criminal, not come back? 

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