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Hey, where do I start? How do I start? How do I even know if they're  lying to me? To be honest I'm not sure myself, I mean I don't even know my name.. all I know is that they keep calling me "Ray Parker." The girl who is thirteen, who yet can't remember a things. I have long hair that hits my legs, when I walk by they call it "beautiful", I have hazel brown eyes that shimmers in the light, they say I'm "lucky." I have tender skin that's soft to the touch, it's called "baby's skin." For all I know, I don't know anything..nothing everything is gone! My best friend, childhood memories, my school, my twin brother and even my so called "Parents." All I know is things they tell me to remember, the things they try to imprint on me...but how do I remember the things they want? I'm scared I feel trapped and cornered, I tried to go back in time to the days I think I could remember. Nothing seems to be working nothing, nothing at all! This stupid journal isn't helping "write down things that you think are important" that's what my mother Ella Parker said to do. What does she think I'm doing, sitting here doing nothing? I can't even call that woman "mom, mommy, or mama" nothing, I call her Ella and when I do she has the saddest look in her eyes like I used to call her different, frankly I don't care. Something's fishy about this family.. how does one wake up one morning remembering nothing? I'm not sure but I'm going to get to the bottom of this, I need some answers. They keep withholding everthing saying "it's for your own good Sweetie," I don't want to be disobedient because according to them I was such a "modest child." Did I mention that as far as I'm concerned I've been locked up in the house? Four walls, one door and one window. I don't like looking out the window all I see is the fence , it's not a sight.

Journal entry 1,October 25th 2015~

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