chapter 1:the same dream

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I was walking through the woods and I saw that same wolf again. "Follow me," the wolf's voice echoed in my head, yet it's mouth...does not move. "I will show you your mother...she wishes to speak with you personally." "How can I trust you?" I asked the wolf. She just looked at me. " because I'm your God- Mum." She said.

She led me through the woods and I found myself in a caven like cave, with a big waterfall with rocks with moss covering them, like straight out of a fairytale. "My lady! Your daughter is here! I have brought her here to speak with you."
The next minute I see my mother come out from some vines. "Hello...Kameo...." my head was spinning with questions;why am I here? Why am I having this one dream all the time?
Everything went white. Like I had gone into the light, I woke up to here my dad knocking on my door. "Kameo? Are you ok?" Dad asked me from the other side of my door. His voice sounded muffled, I sat up and buried my face into my hands."yeah." "Um....ok then. Breakfeast is on the table. I will be grooming the horses." Dad said as I walked to my dressing draw. I heard dad's feet go down the steps, I threw on some black skiny jeans, a white
singlet, with a checkered jacket and my white cowgirl hat. I also grabbed my brown boots. I came outside after eating my breakfast.
I saw my sheep dog Simbad. "Hey there Simbad. What you doing buddy?" I said as he ran up to me to get petted.
I went to the stables, but dad wasn't there. I walked down a trail that leads into the bush before trailing into the woods. I saw dad crouched down and he was looking at something. I walked over to him," What's up dad?" I asked. Dad pointed at a footprint, it was a wolf's pawprint. " looks like I've got some hunting to do this season." Dad said as he looked down the trail that leads into the woods.

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