Chapter 1

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"Grrr!Ugh!Ruff! Ruff!
"He's over here!" A deep hallow voice though out the swampy forest.
The damp man began to bolt straight out of the murky water.
John's lungs lurched for air as his body ached and his ribs jabbed him repeatedly, reminding him of the ever present threat of capture. John continued to run harder, faster pushing himself to heights. His voice becoming more and more forced as he ran for what felt like eternity. His mind racing and he shook heavily ad the thought off being caught. Or maybe that was just the hyperthermia setting in, no matter what it was, it shook John to the bone. To think these were the people once thought of as his friends, family, and some even his lover but here he was being hunted like a dog.
John kept running until the voices of the angry men and women settled into the swampy silence. Just as he settled into leaning on a tree to catch his breath. His started to feel weak and he looked around his surroundings to look for threats but in his state of distress he was not too keen of it. By the time he had been there for about ten seconds he was already sitting with his back to the tree and staring at the rising sun filling the sky. Finally John tilted his head and fell into a deep slumber as he laid against the tree trunk.

John woke with a start, his eyes stung heavily and drowsiness still weighing on his senses and mind. Suddenly John jumped to his feet confused at first but in sudden flood of memories all he could was shiver like leaf as tears leapt down his cheeks and onto the ground before him as he sank to his knees.
The utter realization dawned upon him that they had kidnapped, drugged and used him only to think he would let them hunt him and kill him willingly.
The claim was absurd but the fact that they had told him run or else didn't motivate him to them seriously after all they we're his friends until his stiff elbowed collided with his bruised rib cage marked with lashing marks they has given him. Tears begin to gush down from his pain soaked eyes down his shivering cheeks and onto the warm mushy soil beneath him.
John looked into the horizon and quickly about faced seeing a flicker of light though the now dark stricken forest he began to think if you want to hunt so much....., then I'll show you what a real animal is.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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