The Overseers - First Contact.

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It all happened 2 years ago, initially people passed it off as nothing more than people trying to make the next big UFO story. Honestly? I agreed with them, which it seems turned out to be a big mistake.

What is 'it' you ask?

The Overseers. Although they weren't called that to begin with, just 'Them' sufficed for when people referred to them in conversation, but eventually they seized control, nobody knows how, but they just did, world leaders began to hand control to them. Some said that the Overseers are just parasites that manipulate thoughts, which given how they make us obey seems the most probable idea.

All I know is those bastards caught me and now I don't know where the hell I am, I'm in some white cell with no doors; no windows; just the room and a bed, and I've slept on more comfortable pavements.

In case you're wondering, my name's Michael, Michael Carson. I'm 23 and a pretty typical guy, I don't have any special expertise or fancy degrees; I'm just a drifter who has some basic training in combat. I was orphaned when I was two and never really fitted in with the others, the 'Werdio' nobody wanted to share a room with, I never got adopted and ended up leaving when I was 18, I ended up joining the armed forces since I had nowhere else to turn and I made it through training and fought on the front line for nearly two tours of duty, before a freak accident in our transportation vehicle ended up damaging several parts of my arm beyond any known medical treatment, because of this I was given an honourable discharge and later had my arm amputated. Some of the money I had earned went towards getting me a RLR, or a Robotic Limb Replacement, which use wires connected to some nerves to send brain signals like a normal arm so that you keep the ability for both arm use.

But after having my replacement fitted I purchased a small 1 man campervan and began drifting around the country, doing things like handyman work and temporary shopkeeper jobs so I could have an income.

But enough about myself and more about First Contact.

I and many other people were dotted around the hills looking up at the stars, the cold sea air drifting in from the Harbour and the clouds hanging low enough to graze the mountains. I personally was here to see the meteor shower although more committed star-gazers were also looking for the constellations and things. This meteor shower was a once in a life time event according to the people who were bothered about it. And trust me, they weren't wrong...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2011 ⏰

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