Chapter 9: Drama and Rumors

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Rumors, spread a wildfire

I held a strong ground.......

Riley's POV ( For the first time!)

~ Monday Morning, at school, history ~

I tapped my pencil against the desk, trying to listen to Dad's lecture. However, I couldn't. Maya said she would pay attention in class, but she was literally sleeping with her eyes open. I could tell she wasn't really fond of school.

Dad wrote ' Allies ' on try board. Oh, great. " Canada! America's ally. Canada will always be there for America. For example, let's go back to the Revolutionary War times. France was an ally, and other European countries. They supplied us with clothes, food, weapons, etc. You probably think allies is just a temporary partnership. You are partially right.  However, allies can be life long partnerships. Keep Canada in mind when you think about allies," Dad explained.

I looked at Maya. She looked at me. Then, the bell rang. I grabbed my book and backpack then waited for Maya. Then, we walked outside to the hallway. I went up to my locker and put my history book away. I turned my head to Maya, who looked down.

I gently grabbed her chin and lifted her head up so we locked eyes. " Peaches? You ok....." Maya slapped my hand away from her chin and laced her fingers together. I gulped, closing my locker slowly. Maya finally spoke up.

" Please don't do that again. And, please don't call me Peaches again," She muttered, rocking back and forth on her heels. I gave Maya a look. That was our thing. Our thing. Why would she ever want to change that?

I grabbed Maya's arm and we went downstairs, to the school's small bay window. I sat down, and Maya reluctantly sat down next to me. I frowned. " Of course you don't know. You're so oblivious. Go on the school's gossip blog and you'll see," Maya muttered, fiddling with the red curtains.

I slowly took my phone out of my pocket and went on the school's website, clicking the link to the gossip blog. I pressed the first recent post, titled " Juicy info 3/13." Maya scooted over closer to me, looking over my shoulder.

I skimmed through the post until I hit the title, " Lesbians in the school? Take a look at this beach video." I quickly turned off my phone, not even bothering to read the post.


A few populars passed by us, making kissing noises and fake coughing. I touched Maya's hand, making her flinch a little. " I don't let these things bother me. Neither should you. We both know we're only sisters, and these people just want attention. I will still call you Peaches, I'll never stop. Your friendship means the world to me, and no one can change that. Ever since the day we met," I muttered, looking into Maya's eyes.

Maya hinted a smile. " Yeah. We're in the stars. It's written in the stars that we're best friends, and no one can ignore it," She gulped. The bell rang, signaling it was lunch. Maya and I walked in the lunchroom. Fortunately, no one annoyed us. Obviously, the whole thing was a forgotten topic. Good.

We sat down at our usual table, where Farkle made himself at home. He looked pissed.

" Guys, you need to look at the gossip blog. They think I slept with Missy! Can you believe it?" Farkle grunted, his face turning red. Maya gave him a smirk and said, " Minkus, you do know that Missy writes the gossip blog, right?"

I tried to hold in a giggle. Farkle clenched his hands into fists and walked to the popular table. Maya continued to be silent and ate her food. Was she still hung up on the whole 'lesbian' thing? I reached over the table and intertwined our fingers together.

" Maya, please talk to me. I've noticed we haven't been the same Riley and Maya like we were before. I don't want us to change. Please promise me nothing will ever break our friendship," I muttered, biting my bottom lip. Maya glanced at me and said, " I promise. But a lot of things happened between us, Riley. But we've been so oblivious about it and ignored it completely."

I gulped, releasing my grip from her hand. Maya was not wrong. A lot of things have happened. Things that are better left unsaid. But, it'll come up again, and we'll have to make some decisions so it won't be the end of us.

" I know. But, I think that it's better if we ignore what happened, don't you think? I don't want anything to ruin our friendship. I'm living up to our promise. Don't make these little things ruin our friendship, okay?" I said, tucking a lock of my hair behind my ear.

" Whatever you want," Maya muttered nonchalantly. I plastered a fake smile on my face and continued to eat. Maya was lying to me. And I knew she could see through my smiles but decided not to say anything. This was wrong. This whole thing was wrong! I just wanted nothing to ruin our friendship, and I'm living up to that.

We're in the stars. We're too high up for anyone or anything to ruin our friendship. My mind went back to Missy's blog post. Did I like Maya? Duh, I liked Maya. But did I like like her? No way. We're just sisters, and I made that clear.

~ After school, in Riley and Maya's room ~

I sat at the bay window, doing my math homework. Maya quietly slipped into our room, dropping her backpack by the door. " Where were you?" I asked, not looking up from my math homework. Maya plopped down beside me. "Just at Lucas's house," She muttered, fiddling with her fingers.

I just nodded. I eventually put my math homework aside and looked directly at Maya.

Maya almost automatically looked down, avoiding my eyes. She's hiding something. No secrets. " I'm going to go downstairs," Maya muttered, getting up.

I dug my teeth into my bottom lip, trying to hold back a tear. "Okay," I said, barely audible. Maya headed for the door, but looked back at me for a second.

I heard her mutter something, but it was too close to call. Maya closed the door behind her. I looked at the space where she just stood.

We're in the stars. I have nothing to worry about.



So I literally just said I wouldn't update but I had this chapter up as draft for I while so I just finished it. Well, that's all I have to say. STAY TUNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{ Edited }

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