When Locked You Stay [Sabriel]

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"You think it's a trickster," the tall, yet handsome, younger brother asked. "Maybe," replied his shorter, yet older, brother. Sam was sure what they were dealing with was a trickster. A trickster was a kind of god that was able to cast illusions and send people to alternate realities.

Sam and Dean have dealt with plenty of things that resembled tricksters. Gods, Archangels, and Angels. It would be lying if Sam said they haven't dealt with a trickster before. In fact, the one he did encounter sent him to an alternate reality where he relived the same Tuesday over and over, watching his brother die each time. It was all to prove that Sam was going to have to let go of Dean someday.

That trickster was named Gabriel, a former Archangel of heaven. The last Sam and Dean had heard of Gabriel, the trickster had left them a message stating that if they were watching his tape, he was dead. But of course, Gabriel has lied plenty before. He's faked his death multiple times, ever since the first time Sam and Dean encountered him, their first trickster.

Sam wasn't sure how to feel about Gabriel. He actually saved their asses from being killed by a bunch of Pagan gods one time, and not to mention Lucifer - the devil himself. What Sam and Dean did not know was that Lucifer "killed" Gabriel. Gabriel has set the illusion of him as a decoy because he sensed that he was going to be killed by his brother.

Dean tossed Sam the flashlight. Then he tossed over a stake. "You take right, I'll take left. In about five minutes we'll meet in the middle. If you take your sweet time, I'll make sure to find you, Sammy. No naughty business." Sam rolled his eyes at his *totally* not funny brother. He held the flashlight, pressing the button to turn it on. He took the stake and stuck it inside his jacket.

Stakes were supposed to kill tricksters. A special kind of stake, that is. But if it wasn't a trickster, Sam was prepared to use his blade - or even his own fists. He flashed the flashlight down the hall. They were at an abandoned building that shut down years ago. The only reason why they were there was because Sam found an article on the Internet about witnesses explaining the very odd deaths of their friends who were vandalizing this place.

Sam started walking. He shined the light along the walls, noticing the cracks in the concrete. He kept walking. At the end of the hallway was a scratched up metal door, with a bunch of spray paint doodles on it. Sam didn't notice. Instead, he opened it and went inside.

Once the door clicked behind him, his flashlight flickered. Sam hit it against his big left hand and suddenly it died. He sighed, putting it in another part inside his jacket. He was able to see without it, but it was the luminescence of the moonlight from a small window by the ceiling that lit the room.

Sam decided to stop and try to make out his surroundings. He noticed a broken chair, a flipped over table, more doodles on the wall, and a broken painting. Sam walked over to the painting, lifting it up. He squinted, trying to make it out. He gripped it and lifted it up all the way to where the moonlight had shown better. He couldn't believe what the painting was.

It was Gabriel, sitting on a throne with large, angelic wings on it. The throne was on a candy mountain. In case you didn't know, tricksters were known for having a big spot in their reckless hearts for sweets. He tossed the painting across the room. "Gabriel," Sam grunted loudly. He turned around, trying to head for the door. The only problem was that the door was gone. Gabriel was obviously near.

"Fine, we'll have it your way. What do you want?"

"Oh, Sammy. Stop it, you."

Sam whipped his head in the direction he once was in. The voice of Gabriel was loud, but it seemed to echo from inside the room. It was another trick so Sam couldn't tell where Gabriel is. Without looking, Sam reached into his jacket to pull out his stake. Gone. He kept feeling. It was gone. "Damn," he whispered.

"Damn is right." The voice was clearly now back where Sam was before he heard Gabriel's voice the first time. There he was, standing in front of Sam. "Miss me, sweet cheeks?" Sam decided to throw a punch at him with his big fist. Gabriel saw it coming, and he caught Sam's arm before it was even close to hitting Gabriel in the face.

Gabriel gave Sam his smug face and dropped his arm. "Now, are you calm yet?" Sam huffed, a trickle of sweat down his neck went into his button-up shirt. "Did you do anything to Dean," Sam demanded. Gabriel stood there, still smiling his smug smile. "He's fine. I sent him in some porn thing. He's doing great." Sam squinted. "So are you the real Gabriel, or just an illusion?" Gabriel scoffed. "Like I would tell you."

While Gabriel was scoffing, Sam firmly put his hands on Gabriel's chest and pushed him against the wall. Gabriel held onto Sam's wrists. "Ouch," he said sarcastically. Sam didn't move his hands. In fact, he kept pushing Gabriel harder onto the wall, but inside he knew it was pointless. Suddenly, without any time to react, Gabriel quickly flipped Sam over, and now Gabriel was holding Sam down. Sam put both of his wrists on Gabriel's arms, trying to push him off.

"Let go!" Sam kept trying to push. This made Gabriel laugh. "Sam, I think you really know why this is happening." Sam didn't respond. Of course, he had no idea what the trickster was hinting at, but he didn't have a good feeling about it.

They just stood there. Sam, now weak, let go of Gabriel's arms. He was in pain. He almost dropped, but Gabriel held onto the tall boy. Before Sam and his brother came to the building, Sam was shot by an old drunk when they were on another case. Sam was starting to bleed too much, almost going into a state of unconsciousness. "Don't worry about it," Gabriel said. He snapped his fingers, and with that, Sam's wound was healed. He slowly lifted himself back up. When he reached his full height, Gabriel let go.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Oh, c'mon. It wasn't a big deal. Just a little cleanup. But I do expect something in return."

Sam, obviously worried, stood there in silence. He didn't bother to thank his enemy from stopping him from falling asleep. He looked dead at the trickster. "And what is it?" And within a few seconds, Gabriel smacked his lips right onto Sam's. Gabriel quickly stopped to smirk at Sam. Sam was in utter shock. He didn't know why Gabriel kissed him, nor did he see that coming. But suddenly, it was like Sam was hit with a bunch of emotions.

Sam wanted to kiss back. They just stood there. The trickster with his happy self, and the tall boy that had no reaction to what just happened. Then Gabriel frowned.

"What? Not amused?"

And now Gabriel being the one surprised, Sam put his hand on Gabriel's face and slowly, but hesitantly, leaned in for another kiss. This one was more time consuming. It was slow, but nice. Gabriel couldn't help but slip in some tongue, but Sam went all out for it.

Sam slipped off his jacket and continued kissing Gabriel. He felt weird inside, like he had some sudden thirst because Gabriel kissed him. Now it got better. Sam was kissing more passionately. Gabriel put his hands on Sam's waist. Then Sam slowly departed Gabriel's lips.

Sam was red. Or he just felt really hot. "Wow, Sammy. I'm impressed. 9/10 for you." Sam just stood there blankly. Gabriel cleared his throat. "I did not expect all of that, though." Gabriel rose his hand. And with that, he snapped his fingers.

The trickster was gone. The room felt colder without the other being in front of Sam. Sam turned around, and the door was there. He opened it, the hallway as vacant as it was when he came in the room. He closed the door behind him. Sam didn't know if that kiss was with the real trickster, but something in his gut told him yes, and Sam trusted his gut.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Sam, Dean, or Gabriel. They belong to Supernatural.

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