Fresh off the line

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"All right. Let's start the testing" said a small and shallow voice." We need the Spring Bonnie prototype ready by tomorrow." For the past 3 months in a row i was repeating these same set of steps. Turn on, test, fail, go back to be fixed. For some reason they say I was the glitches one. Never understood why they say that. It's not like as if there anyone else. Was there someone other then me? Someone better then me?"Spring Bonnie." Said the small shallow voice. I turned my head and said "yes?" " hemmm. Interesting. You have a self response system. How did that happen?" It was dark in the room, or maybe it was just my eyes. I was never able to see because my eyes would never go up. And then suddenly I heard a 'beep' noise. Then I could see. Wow is this where I have been the whole time? Then I looked down. I was golden? Why? As I looked upward I notice another golden thing. It looked like a bear. Wait, how did I know that was a bear? I think things were better when I was 'blind'. " For the last time, Spring Bonnie look at me." How long was he calling me? I don't know and I don't care. I stopped being nosy and payed the boring younger man with all the things I could do." Finally, Spring Bonnie is complete" wait, did I just pass or something? I turned around and looked at the golden bear I was taken out the room by two nice looking gents. Latest off after that I was shut down and taken to part and placed in boxes. Talking about getting reckt.
#To be Continued!#

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