Chapter One

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The cyborgs came at him one by one. He swung his giant sword at them all. He slashed and dashed at the robots until each one had short circuited. An army of cyborgs lay before him. A shadowy figure stood beside him, but he couldn't make out who it was. But he didn't care. He kept fighting until all of them were dead. Must. Kill. All. All. Must. Die...

"Max! Max!" Someone called. "Max! Wake up!" Max awoke to the view of his mother's face drooping over him. Damn. It was just a dream. Max thought. "Max! Are you awake?"

"Yes mom!" Max replied. "It's the middle of summer! I don't need to be woken up at..." Max checked the clock. "8 am! Mom, are you crazy? Its 8 am!"re

"Max I'm waking you up because I'm leaving to go to work. See you at 6:30 pm. If you go anywhere, make sure you call me. Love ya!"

"Love you too mom." Max said as his mom shut the door behind her. The whole day to himself. All day. No one home. Hmm... What should I do? Max thought. Well first, I should eat breakfast.

Max zoomed down the stairs and grabbed a box of cheerios and poured some in a bowl. As he ate them, he thought: well, 8th grades starting in two weeks, I should make the most of what's. left of the summer. But first, Max wanted to sleep just a little longer.

* * *


Max woke up to the sound rumbling outside his bedroom door. He heard a conversation between two people he didn't know at all.

"Should we wake him?" Voice one said.

"No. Let the boy come out himself." Replied voice two, obviously a girl.

"Fine. We can wait, but how long? the Dream Nation is in trouble!"

"Yes. We're all aware of that, that's why we need the boy!"

Dream Nation? They need me? What's so special about me? Max thought. Max didn't want to come out, but he knew that he was vital to this "Dream World." So, out he went.

As the door squeaked open, the two strangers stopped their conversation, and stared at max.

"He's awake!" Murmured voice one.

"No duh dipshit!" Voice two replied

Max Rulinski: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now