Chapter 1

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I grab the thief's arm before he could fully grab my stuff. My hood falling off of my face allowing him to get a full view.

"Monster!!" He cried out snatching his arm away running and screaming of what he saw. 'The hell.' My eyes pop open looking around to see my surroundings. My eyes landed on my stuff which I quickly grab before another thief decides to snatch it away. Looking in it I sigh in content seeing everything is in there, along with my sword and bow strapped onto it. Looking at the wooden sword I had prepared for my sons 10th birthday and my daughters doll she had given to me as good luck and to head home quick. I couldn't have asked for better children. Putting back everything gently in the bag I strap it back onto my back and got up, putting my hood back up, confused at where I was. 'I know I was fighting Alduin just a second ago. Where am I?' I began to look around the Hold or Palace it seems I've woken up in. 'This isn't any of the nine Holds I'm sure of it. Is this some kind of faraway land that travelers talk much about?' I kept on thinking about where I might be this place is too brightly colored, are they affected by the war? No, I have been all over Skyrim and I have never seen this place before. A loud rushing sound interrupted me out of my thoughts, thinking it was a Dragon (Alduin hopefully) I pulled out my Dragonbone Bow to the source of the sound. I was stunned what is that thing. Some kind of Dwarven-like material but there's Nords and such in there. Some kind of transportation for this region. I lowered my bow still cautious at the sight of that machine now as it pulls to a stop. I cautiously walk to the weird machine like thing lowering my bow looking over at it as the Nords it seems come out from the moving machine. They all stare at me like they stare at traveling foreigners, do they not like anyone who's not a Nord.

"Hey! Are you new here?!" A salmon haired boy started to run towards me. Quickly sheathing my bow and readied arrow I covered my face more with my hood from the Dark Brotherhood not knowing what he might say.

"Are you a Mage? Then I challenge you!! Fight me!!" The salmon haired boy challenged me. 'He sounds just like Sam.' I chuckle at his hastiness to fight which angers him some more.

"I'm all fired up!!" The boy shouts. "Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!!" 'What the!!' I see only fire and then a punch in my stomach. I flew straight into a tree making it crack under the force of impact. I gasp as the air leaves my lungs, my body falls limply on the ground. 'It feels as if a giant has just stomped on me.'

"Natsu!! What are you doing?!!" Three people and a flying cat? Came rushing over to me, one of them stayed back though and continued to scold the boy. 'I should have put on stronger armor before going to fight Alduin.' A male with dark blue hair with no shirt on and a blonde haired girl with strange looking clothes came to help me up I shook them off, only making sure my hood is hiding most of my face. Another, a red haired female nord coverd in armor seemed to be scolding the boy who was fighting me.

"Are you alright." The blue haired Nord asked me reaching for my hood but I quickly dodged/flinched away.

"I'm fine." I said in a gruff voice. Getting up and brushing off my Dark Brotherhood wear. I shouted directly at the boy.
"I thought this was a fight, not just throw one punch with the strength of a giant!!" The shout seemed to make him motivated to fight me more.
"Yol Toor Shul!!" With that flames come from my mouth like the fierceness of a fire breathing dragon and head straight for Natsu. Natsu somehow dosen't have a scratch on him and he was somehow eating the flames.
"That was some really good fire it tastes like a dragons. Now I'm all fired up! Fire Dragon's: Fire Dragon Roar!!" Natsu somehow breathed out flames like a dragon straight at me. Using my sword to deflect the flames. The glowing orange signaling a flame enchant and a powerful one as well. I reflected them to go elsewhere. Once the flames were gone I noticed a dripping sensation. I dug my hand deeper while trying to reflect the flames. A dark crimson now was slowly decorating its way down to the bottom, and onto the ground creating a beautiful crimson pool.
"You're bleeding." The red haired nord pointed out. 'Haven't they seen blood before in a fight?'
"Natsu this battle is a drawal for now." The blue haired nord spoke out now approaching me along with the red head.
"Come to our guild, we can get you treated." Natsu said. "Then we can finish our fight."
"She shouldn't come with us. She's obviously weak as it is." The red head stated. 'Excuse me.'
"I only need to know where I am, then I'll make sure not to come here again. It seems obvious that this place allows Nords only." I said feeling anger rise up in me. My statement seemed to confuse them.
"What is a nord?" This time the flying cat asked. 'Seriously'
"That's what you are I'm guessing." I said with confusion. This had some of the red head's attention. Something or someone pulled down my hood without my realizing allowing them to see me. The flying cat screamed at the top of his lungs and hid behind the said person called Natsu. An Argonian. Red scaly skin with a long mouth and snout. Red feathers, golden eyes with tints of red in them. With three or four scar marks across my left eye. Am I a monster in their eyes?

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