The Writer and The Consulting Detective

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''Mmm tea has never tasted so good,'' Eve took a deep breath of the hot steam and it warmed her shivering body.

The rain was lashing down on the pavement outside and the skies were grey and stormy, she peered out of the window and felt grateful to be sat in a warm and cosy café. Speedy's Café on Baker Street to be exact.

''Eve I'm really sorry about you having to move out...'' Laura, Eve's flatmate and best friend, sat opposite and fiddled with the handle of her coffee mug. This must have been the tenth time she had apologised but she still felt really guilty when she remembered that Eve would be leaving.

''Please don't tell me the reason you invited me here was so you could apologise, again,'' Eve raised a brow at her blonde friend, ''I've already told you it's absolutely fine,''

Laura chewed her gloss coated lip, ''But I feel so guilty, I feel like I'm swapping you for my I'm replacing you,''

''Look,'' Eve's green eyes were gentle and she smiled, ''I think it's about time I got my own place anyway, somewhere to focus on my writing. You're not replacing me, you've been with Tom for a year and now you both want your own place, I understand completely,''

''I know,'' Laura sighed, ''it's just I'm going to miss having you around. I'll miss your writing tantrums when you walk about the flat talking to yourself and tell everyone to shut up because you're writing a novel in your head, oh and your constant tea making. Nine cups a day at least,''

Eve laughed at this, ''Hey you're not getting rid of me completely. I'm only moving out, it's not like I'm going to disappear,''

They both grinned and Laura took a sip of her coffee, ''I suppose, have you found anywhere yet?''

''Nowhere affordable,'' Eve put down her mug and rested her chin on her hand, ''I think I'll have to go for a flat share, at least until I find a better job,''

Laura nodded in understanding; Eve's job didn't pay well at all for all the work she did. She wrote articles at a small newspaper and edited them herself. It was a small business but she seemed to be the only one doing any work.

''Something's bound to pop up soon,'' she reassured her dark haired friend.

John Watson, who had gone to the café to escape from Sherlock's violin playing, had overheard their conversation as he sat reading a newspaper at the table behind. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop but he started listening when he heard one of the girls was looking for a flat.

John had planned to put an ad in the newspaper for a room going in 221B, they hadn't been able to pay the rent for two months and he decided that they needed a third person to help out. The girl who was looking for a flat looked very friendly, she had wavy dark brown hair and although he couldn't see her face properly, she didn't look like someone who would cause too much trouble.

As he sat there he wondered if he should get up and tell her about 221B before the opportunity passed, he didn't realise that Laura had noticed him.

''Eve,'' Laura leant a little further over the table and whispered, ''that man over there keeps looking in your direction,''

''What?'' Eve subtly glanced over her shoulder to see a man with short blonde hair who was wearing a cream knitted jumper pretend to read his newspaper.

He looked like a genuinely nice person, not one of those creepy men that try and chat you up in the hope of bringing you home with them.

John could tell the girls were looking at him and he decided that if he wanted someone to help with the rent, it was now or never.

''He's coming over!'' Laura whispered excitedly as John got up from the table and limped towards them.

''Hello,'' he smiled awkwardly as he came to stand beside their table, ''I ah couldn't help but overhear that one of you was looking for a flat?''

''Yes that would be me,'' Eve replied, wondering why he had asked,

''Right, well. You see I happen to be renting a room out in 221B Baker Street, next door actually. I don't know if you would be interested, it's just we need a bit of help with the flatmate and I,''

''Oh,'' Eve was surprised at the sudden opportunity, it was as if something had just popped up like Laura had said, ''well I would be happy to take a look at the flat,'' she smiled, ''what time would suit you and your flatmate for me to call around and have a look?''

John was debating in his mind whether or not to tell the girl about Sherlock and his psychopathic tendencies but decided to wait until she had seen the flat before he told her something that would put her off. ''Uh would 7 o'clock be alright?''

Eve nodded, ''Yes, perfect. Just next door you say?''

''Yes,'' John gave a brief nod and was about to turn and leave when he realised the girl didn't even know his name, ''um John Watson,'' he smiled holding out his hand,

''Eve Middleton.'' They shook hands and then John made his way back outside leaving Eve and her friend pleasantly surprised at what at just happened.

''Well he was nice!'' Laura said, wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin, ''I told you something would pop up,''

''Yes you did,'' Eve drank the last mouthful of her tea, ''let's hope the flat is as nice as he was,''

Suddenly Laura's phone buzzed and upon reading the text she discovered it was Tom, ''We should go,'' she said, ''Tom is locked outside of the flat, he forgot to bring his keys, again.''

Eve chuckled and stood up to pull on her navy coat and her black woollen hat as Laura fetched the umbrella from the stand. Then the two friends left Speedy's Café and began the walk home in the rain.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2014 ⏰

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