Welcome To The Family

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My front door swung open and my best friend, Maci, came running in, not bothering to shut it once she was inside. "Oh my god! Grace, guess what?!" She pretty much screamed as long as she could, in my face.

I patted the spot on the couch next to me, motioning for her to sit down, "What?" I asked her, a smile coming onto my face. I hadn't seen her this exsited in lord knows how long. This muct be good.

"I got us tickets to see Avenged Sevenfold!" She jumped of the couch and pulled two tickets from her back pocket and showing them to me then jumping up and down like a five year old. I swear, she's the most hyper girl I know.

I smiled. Avenged Sevenfold is her favorite bad. I, on the other hand, liked them but didn't go nuts about them. Sure, I like them, but they aren't my favorite. My favorite is, and always will be, Black Veil Brides. "That's awesome!"

"Wait, I got something else to," she reached into her zebra print bag, no not a purse, and pulled out two necklece looking things that had 'A7X' on the straps and a laminated(sp?) Cardboard with the band on it and said 'Backstage Pass'.

I looked at them in awe. I slowly placed my hand out, in hope that Maci would let me hold one.

She handed it to me with a huge grin on her face. I have to admit, she looked a little goofy.

I slowly slid my tumb over the lamitated rectangle. I was so surprised. This really was amazing.

My thoughts completly changed when I saw Synyster in the picture. I would be meet Synyster Gates. I always though he was gorgeous. He's almost amazing in every way possible. Im going to meet him at this concert. Oh god.

"Hey, Grace," Maci started, "I gotta go. Im meeting Sam somewhere."

I tried handing the pass back to her, "No. Keep it. That pass is yours. Oh, and here," se handed me one of he two tickets and walked out of my house, closing the door this time.

I looked at the date on the ticket. Its in two days! I have to be ready to meet the Synyster Gates in two freaking days?!

I ran to my room and looked in my closet. There was pretty much nothing I could wear to impess him. Wait, why do I even care? I shouldn't. Oh well.

I decided it was a good day to just get out the house since I don't have work today. I went back to my closet and grabbed an Escape The Fate t-shirt and dark wash skinny jeans.

I quickly changed and left my dark hair wavey and put it in a loose side pony tail. I put on my usual makeup and put on my black converse and walked out the house.

I got in my car and started to drive to the mall, just twenty minutes away.

I got to the mall, got out the car and went straight to Hot Topic, my favorite place. I walked in and saw Sean at the counter. "Sean!" I called out and ran over to him.

He looked up from the magizene(sp?) he was ready with a confused look which faded right when he saw me, "Gacie-Poo!!" He yelled back then jumped over the counter and ran over to me. When he got to me, he wrapped me in one of his big bear hugs. "What brings you here today?" Sean asked before releasing me.

"I wasn't working today and wanted to get out the house. So, here I am!" I said, streching out my arms, making my left hand hit a shel and a Gir jacket fall to the floor.

Sean and I both looked at the floor then back at each other, before burting into a fit of giggles. I quickly picked the jacket up off the floor and put it back where it goes.

"Oh, Grace, Im on lunch break in just a few minutes and wanted to kknow if, maybe, you would come eat lunch with me and Kendra?" Kendra is his girlfriend of three months. I thought she was a pretty sweet girl, sometimes she needed to becareful with her anger issues though.

I smiled, "Sure. Where at?"

A huge grin apperared on Sean's face, "We're just going to go to the food court. If you wanna go somewhere else we can, though."

I shook my head, "Nah. The food court's fine." I smiled sweetly to him and started walking to the bracelets and necleces.

One necklece stood out to me. I looked closer at it. It was the Avenged deathbat. Hm. I looked at the price, '$6.' I grabbed it from its rack and walked back to the counter where Sean was watching my closely.

"You gonna buy that?" He asked, motioning his head towards the deathbat on a silver chain in my hand.

I nodded and out it on the conter. I went ahead and got the ten dollar bill from my right side pocket and placed it on the conter beside it.

Sean picked up both. He scanned the barcode on the tag and picked up my money. Without saying a word, he gave me my change and motioned for me to walk to the back of the store with him, so we could have a little 'hang out', I guess you could call it.

He sighed and looked down and began talking slowly and quietly, "Kendra dumped me. Forget about lunch. Im just taking the rest of the day off and going home." He shuffled through the store and out the door.

I sighed. They were always an off and on couple. I walked out the store and to Arby's at the food court. I orded three chicken tenders and fries, with a sprite.

I ate and walked back to my car and headed home.

Skipping to the day of the cncert

I walked back to the living room, where Maci was waiting for me, "Grace! We're going to be late if you dont hurry up!" She grabbed my hand and shoved me into her car. She got in and we sped away.

When we got there, there was a lot of people but you could tell there would be more. We walked to the security gaurd that was blocked the entrance to backstage. We showed him our passes and walked on back.

'No! Syn, Im telling you, Im better than you," I heard someone say with pride.

I looked straight in front of me and saw Syn sitting on a couch laughing his butt off. Zacky was sitting arcoss from him in a chair with a serious look.

"Guys, we have company," Matt said, grinning when I looked at him.

Syn walked right up to me, "Hey, beautiful. Have a name?"

I could feel the blush creeping to my cheeks, "Grace."

He grinned, "Beautiful. Just like you."

I smiled. I think tonight is going to be perfect.


Alright. Its almost one in the morning.. It might be a good time to stop writing, for now. Tell me what you think?

-Jade. (:

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2011 ⏰

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