They light up the day and night like you.

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      Star was this shy average girl that tried her best to make friends. She tried her best to meet new people, but every time she tried to talked to them they would back away or say she was just too weird. She only has one true friend from prekindergarten.

Marco was this outstanding, bright student who was extremely popular.

     These two important souls where going to have a crash in there regular lives.
     Marco and his girlfriend, Jackie, where walking and going to Math...

Star was in the back of music class talking to Oscar. She felt kinda jealous of him because every time people would say "hi Oscar" they would talk to him and did not even notice she existed. Everyone thought she was holding back Oscar from his true rockstar talent.

" Star why don't you talk to others?" whispered Oscar trying not to drag the attention away from the teacher.

" I try, but no one gets along with me. They think I am just stopping you from discovering your true talent. I think I am." Star said looking down at her desk.

In that moment the school bell rang and they where all dismissed. Star was walking to her locker, looking down at the floor not wanting to see the faces of her adversaries, but because of this act she bumped into a boy with brown hair and a red hoodie. A boy who looked like he was running away from a demon. He said sorry and kept running away. Star got up and grabbed all her books noticing a card on the floor. She knew it was from the teen that bumped into her so she grabbed it and placed all her books in her locker. It was lunch time and she didn't want to be nosy  but she still opened the card.

My name is Marco Diaz. You all know me as this strong bad boy, but I have to admit something that I haven't told anyone. I study, I like to read, and I like school. Most of you think I might be lying or it's an act but I am saying the truth. I might lose my reputation and all my friends, but if you are my true friends you would accept me for who I am.

     Star looked up from the card and saw the teen at the popular kids table talking to his girlfriend and three other cheerleaders. He noticed her and kept starring at her. She returned the favor. He glanced down for one second and noticed the card. He checked his book bag and looked shocked at her. She just smiled at him and kept talking to Oscar. Marco flipped out and started walking towards her. She got up and was about to leave with Oscar when she bumped into the brown haired boy behind her.

" We have to stop doing that." said Star and got up as she helped the teen up.

" Give me it." said Marco.

" Give you what?" asked Star playing dumb.

" Give me the card." said Marco.

" Hey you do not have the right to scream at my best friend like that." said Oscar.

" Step out of this Guitar boy. Give me my card girl." said Marco.

" My name is Star and I don't need to give you this card, Smart boy." whispered Star.

Marco's eye widened.

" Come this way." said Marco as he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out the lunchroom door and into the blue hallway full of lockers.

" Let go of me." said Star as she shrugged off his grasp on her hand.

" Don't mention that to anyone, okay?" questioned Marco.

" Why don't you want people to know what you truly are? I am myself everyday I may not have many friends but my true friends  stay with me even if I am strange , but at least I like being myself." said Star as she gave him his card.

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