Chapter 1

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Waking up early as normal I convinced myself that today was going to be a better day then yesterday. It is a warm morning, but hearing the mangy dog and feral cat going at each other, I had to get up to stop them.

Forcing myself to get up, I staggered to the door having not realising the door was half closed, I walked into the door cursing out words accidentally, while rubbing my eyes getting the dry bits away from the corners of my eyes, which hurt like hell.

My feet were dragging behind on the warm, soft carpet, I swear I was a zombie at times. I stepped back and tried to find the door with my eyes closed, I finally finding the door, I opened it, mean while I was trying to open my eyes open, focusing on where I need to go.

I saw Tilly, my black/white cat and Dexter, my brown/black dog, barking and hissing at the door.

I was beyond confused, it was way too early in the morning for this, you could already see that today was not going to be my day, i went to the kitchen; well staggered into the kitchen getting the biggest knife i could see, I unlocked the door, Dexter pushing me to get out and attack whoever was there, I had a good guess it was a werewolf or an animal.

I sighed not bothering to check it out, I walked into the kitchen putting the big knife away. I patted Dexter and picked up Tilly in my arms softly patting her smooth, long fur and I tried to led Dexter to Raven's room, my brother, but he was still standing still at the door like a statue.

I slowly open it trying not to make the door groan, i finally got it opened without making a sound and waking up Raven with a bottle of cold water, he wakes up screaming like a little girl that didn't get the barbie doll she wanted and all I could do was laugh so hard I fell onto the ground with Tilly looking at me meowing for food.

I always play tricks on Raven or other people. He and the others always fell for them not matter how big or small it was, I have a way to convince people its not a trick and they always fall for it and I always laugh so hard I'm on the ground crying.

He gets up looking at me in a playful anger walking over to me trying to make himself look bigger then he was.

"WAIT BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, TILLY AND DEXTER WERE GOING OFF AT THE DOOR AND ITS PROPERLY A WEREWOLF OR AN ANIMAL!!!" I yelled at him, god i should have a camera right now his clothes and his hair were just everywhere like he was attacking a bear, i got up still laughing but trying to be serious when talking.

"Ok OK stop yelling or your going to wake up mum and dad!" Raven says yelling in a whisper, I saw him look over to his clock and sigh. "It's 4:30am in the morning Issy why can't you wait till 7:00 when everyone wakes up" he added, God I love my brother.

We both walked out into the hallway and looked left and right before walking to the front door, with Raven grabbing the knife that I put in the kitchen earlier, he went outside with Dexter and looking around while I stayed inside looking out the window with Tilly in my arms.

After a couple minutes Raven came back inside and sighed, with Dexter coming inside before he closed the door behind him.

"The only thing I could see outside was a kangaroo banging on the tin trying to get food in the small shed next to the house." Raven says walking into the kitchen,putting away the big knife.

"Did you kill the kangaroo?!" I said grabbing onto him shaking his back and forth.

"No all I had to do is scare it and it bounced off into the bush behind the house, after that I closed and locked the shed and came back to the house" Raven replies grabbing my arms and pushing them off him so I would stop shaking him.

I sighed in relief, although I know Raven would never kill an animal unless it had to be put down and go to animal heaven.

I was so in my own thoughts that i didn't realise that Raven picked me up softly and headed to his room towards the bathroom turning on the shower, as soon as I heard the shower I gasped and guessed that is was cold water.

"NOOOO I don't want to have a shower! its properly cold and I'm still in my pj's!!!" laughing while saying it, he didn't listen though because he put me in the shower and held my hands to stop me from turning the shower off, my thought was that he wanted revenge, but really??? a cold shower!!!! WHY!!!.

"Ok ok ok I'm sorry you win!!!" struggling out of his grip I finally got out of his grip and pulled him into the shower and now we were both dripping went, me being me I was laughing so hard I couldn't breath.

Dexter and Tilly were barking and meowing at us, they always did that when they were either hungry or wanted to go outside to go to the toilet, I looked at Raven to see he was laughing as well.

I poke his cheek and he had the face of Your-gonna-regret-doing-that, I stare in horror as my mind went wild thinking 'oh god what is he going to do to me', then he laughs again probably because he saw my reaction that I did, he is so annoying and mean to me, but I always get him back for doing pranks to me or I just do it when I'm either bored or got free time...which is all the time.

My brother and I always get along and our parents are just to busy to spend time with us to even care about us, it doesn't bother me at all because they are Alpha and Luna of the Shadow Wolf Pack and their are over 5000 people in the pack, our parents are either doing work or answering peoples stupid questions all the time and we rarely see them, whenever we do see them they don't even look at us or say hi, I don't care but my brother does and when he gets really mad there is no stopping him, only if he had his mate now, Father would step down and let Raven take over and then everything would be different around here.

Right now everyone in the pack is scared of my Father and Mother, which I completely understand because they are Alpha and Luna but still everyone should be happy and cheerful but its all Cold and Dark here, Maybe they want to keep rogues out of the territory so they have all the people look cold and dark and sad, mostly sad but still I never see children running around but they are to scared to even look at my Mother and Father so I understand that as well, all the time I always feel sorry for them that they can't play outside because of fear, that keeps them inside all the time.

After we got out of the shower, Raven gave me his towel to dry myself and also asked him to grab my clothes, when he went to get my clothes I quickly undressed and dryed myself wrapping the towel around me, after Raven came back with my clothes I smiles at the clothes he got me which was a red bra, black singlet with a skull on it, my matching nickers as my bra and black skinny jeans. I know it's probably weird but Raven and I have always been close and also that he has grab fashion, he has always dressed me.

After I got dressed in the bathroom and out of his room i went to my room to grab my phone and ear plugs, every morning i get up around 6:00 to 7:00 to go for a jog before everyone wakes up, sometimes i go for an hour and others i only go for half an hour, if i continue to do this ill get abs, hahaha...abs i wonder if girls could get abs, why do I feel so stupid asking myself that?

I walk outside after grabbing an apple, i'll eat that while walking slowly to get my legs warmed up for the long run, today i feel like going for an hour because in that hour i can think clearly without getting distracted or getting interrupted by someone or something.

Today was going to be a long day....


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I'll edit before tomorrows update, I already know is terrible.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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