The Crash

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The plane hits the ground fast.It catches fire as soon as it touches the ground.Things are flying everywhere and there is blood all over the floor.I run out of it surprised I'm even alive.I look around for my mom."MOM!"I scream.People are running around ."MOM where are you!" I am breathing so hard my chest hurts.There is a lump in my throat.I look at the plane on the ground. Someone is stuck under it! I run over to the plane and see people crowded around someone.I look down to see who it is.Its an old man.I was hoping for my mother but I still try to help.We got him out.People are screaming and I see something horrifying.My mom is in the plane! I don't want to go in because it is on fire but I do.There is fire everywhere and I can't find my mom."MOM!" I see her in one of the seats trying to climb out the window."Woosh!" The fire gets bigger."I'll jump out the window! Just get out of the plane!"she says."I love you!" I said. "I love you too! Now go!"she said.I run out of the plane and watch the windows.Its too late.The whole plane blows up and I run back.There is smoke everywhere so I just run into the forest and hide behind a tree.There are tuns of gun shots coming from the forest.I cry.I look back and the survivers are all gone.I am all alone.I look up at the sky. "Dad mom is going to meet you soon.Tell her I said hi." I continue to cry until I realize I should be sleeping.I go onto the beach and sleep in the cold sand.When I wake up I'm starving.There are a few bags left over from the luggage so I look in them.I found a shirt that I could use for a blanket.But nothing else.I need food!I look in the forest but then I hear footsteps.

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