Continuous Story.

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Alright. Lemme tell you how this works (I did post a comment regarding this in the clubs area under Continuous Story - writers welcomed...(wanted!!!) ;) in the Newcomers section) This is a continuous story, which means that YOU tell ME what happens next!

In the comment section leave a paragraph or two of what you think should happen and the one with the most votes will get published here (your (user)name will also be with it so that other readers know who to credit!)!!!!!

We (yes 'we' - me and Siagrrl) will go through and upload the next parts every week (or sooner!) if we can!!

Have fun! and comment soon!


When they pushed me from the 127th floor of the Sunrise Peak tower, I knew that today was just going to be another one of those days. It wasn't even noon and I already knew. The wind rushed through my hair, no doubt creating a billowing affect as I plummeted towards the busy concrete 4-way intersection below. It’s just like me to focus on the artistic affect of my death, than my death itself. Well, at least no one can call me pessimistic.


I watched the floors whizzed past my head in a descending order.


The windows were flying up so fast they merged into one. I closed my eyes for a split second to think about the events that led up to this point.

Let me explain…see a couple of weeks ago I met them.

Then it all went to hell.

 [Submitted via Private Message by Annonymous]

Despite this, I closed my eyes and thought back to the previous 24 hours of my life - in the long run, much more exciting.

I remember my hotel room. 

On the 45th floor.

I closed my eyes and drfited to it.

The sweet smell of freshly baked croissants with the bitter sting of strong coffee had awaited me when I entered the room at 9:45 that morning. The room, bigger than my house, was clean and inviting.

The lights were warm and focussed.

The pillows fluffy and smelled faintly of rose as they numerously lined the 4 poster bed in the bedroom.

I even remember the feel of the curtains as I ran my fingers up and down the satin like material.

But I knew something was wrong. I was forgetting something.

Something I came here for.

Something so important, it could save my life.

What was it? I couldn't remember anymore.

I hear a faint scream and my eyes flashed open.


I was getting closer.

I blinked and watched the ground continue to swim up as if to greet me.


I squeezed my eyes shut and forced myself to remember what i was forgetting.

When i opened my eyes again, everything was blindingly white. For a split second i was sure my eyes weren't even open, but then a i notice someone hovering above me. i freeze, transfixed to this person infront of me. Her emerald green eyes bore through mine. Time passes and the person doesn't move. Just staring back at me.

Her skin had a strange and otherworldly glow. And her auburn hair was long enough to reach her waist, billowing behind her in a somewhat familiar way. A white, thick strapped dress was drapped around her and caused her skin to look even whiter.

I blinked.

So did she.

And it occured to me.

I was looking at my reflection.

The ceiling was glossy and white and reminded me of a marble staircase. I sat up and studied my surroundings. i was in a room of pure white glossiness, no doors or windows in sight.

How did i get here?

Wasn't i falling just now?

Then out of nowhere she appeared.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2012 ⏰

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