Basic stuff + MY FACE!

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(Pardon the UGLINESS! Hah)
Hi! I've come a long way, even though I still need to work on myself. I don't update as often as I would really like and I appreciate you all for sticking around through all my inactiveness and my sucky stories. The reason for this is because of my stress and my depression/anxiety. Some days I'm not motivated to write or anything, other days I'll write something but I get anxious thinking that maybe you guys wouldn't like it. It's really difficult to write a sentence through all this because I can never agree with what I want. I'll write a sentence over and over again until I finally decide that maybe today isn't my day to write and a few times, I've thought about just saying "Fuck it. I'm not cut out for writing. I'll just stop." and for a while, I did exactly that. Until I got inspiration to write and I just pumped it out. But I got back into writers block and it's not fun..

I really want to say thank you to all of you who have dealt with my bullshit. It's been a ride. Thank you for sticking with me even after all my depression and all the shit of life. You all mean so much to me.

-Favorite things(list in order):

Here's a list of some of my favorite things:

-I like to play Osu!, the sims, Assassins Creed, and (I don't really have much to play on, and I can't even play Assassins Creed anymore. I don't have a PlayStation or anything to play it on *n*)
-Music!!! I'll listen to pretty much anything but lately it's been a lot of EDM and post hardcore. Bands like Set it Off and Pierce the Veil are my favorites. I also listen to EDEN and Stephen a lot.... A LOT.
-ANIME FOR DAYS... Ahem... And youtube. I watch a sHIT TON OF ANIME and I watch a few youtubers. Mainly Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, and Pewdiepie(Of course). But yeah, Anime and YouTube. That's my life.
-I. Fucking. LOVE. The. Color. Black. If I could, I'd bathe in that 24/7. I'd never get out. Love it.
-I usually just text and listen to music or I'll play some games when I'm bored. I text often on my kik though, because I have no life :P
-I don't really have many hobbies. Just writing and singing, I guess. Does being a complete loser looking at memes 24/7 count as a hobby?

I want to say thanks again to everyone. You've all been very patient with me and I'm grateful for that. It's nice to know that some people are genuinely interested in what I do, since I don't really get much of that in real life, it means just as much through a screen.

So, thank you.

If you want, you can ask me some questions and I'll answer them 100% truthfully. I promise :)


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