Chapter One

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I woke up to a violent slap from my mother.
"Wake up you fag!" She screamed in my face.
My eyes fluttered up and winced at the burning, stinging sensation on my cheek.
"Good, you're awake. Now before you go to school, I need you to wake up your father as a punishment for not waking up to make my breakfast," I nodded in response.
My mother and father are not good parents as you can tell from my mother slapping me because I wasn't up at 4:30 in the morning to make her food. Oh and what she means by my father punishing me is he will either beat or rape me, but if I don't wake him up, I'll be hurt worse.
Excuse me, my name is Xero, pronounced Zero. Yes weird name but it suit me. I have zero friends, zero talents, zero beauty, zero self esteem, basically the only thing I don't ha e zero of is scars. I have tons of those.
So now that you know who I am, let's move on with the story, shall we?
Well, I got up and got dressed. I put on my Pierce The Veil shirt, black skinny jeans, straightened my hair (which is black and white with some of the black hair overlapping the white), did my eyeliner, and put on all my bracelets to cover the scars on my wrist. I put on my black and white checkered vans and slowly made my way into my parents room.
Their room smelled of drugs, alcohol, and sex. I stepped up to my dad's bed, terrified of what he's about to do to me. I gently shook his shoulder. His arm shot out from under the blanket and roughly grabbed my shirt colar.
"What do you want you little shit?" Our noses touching and his breathing burning my nose hairs.
"Mom said so," that's the only time I talk, is when my dad asks a question. I learned that the hard way.
"So punishment?" I nodded.
My naked father stood up and walked over to me with a devilish grin. He hit me in the stomach as hard as possible.
I groaned and grabbed my stomach. Soon enough though he started hitting me more and more. The only place he wasn't hitting me was my face.
After about 30 minutes of being beaten, he stopped. I lay there on the floor, holding my aching body. My father picked me up and tossed me into my room. It hurt.
I got up and straightened myself up. I was afraid to lift up my shirt to see the damage done.
I grabbed my books from off my desk and put them in my bag. I looked at the time, it was 5:30. I still had 45 minutes until I had to go to school. So I did what I did to awaken my soul a bit.
I grabbed my box cutterand took off my bracelets. I roughly pressed the blade on my arm and dragged it across. The blood flowed out of the cut, it dripped on the floor. I dragged it across about 9 more times. Each one a bit deeper.
I finished and looked at the time again, it was 5:55 now. I rushed into the bathroom and cleaned off the blood and wrapped it.
I put on all my bracelets and took one last look at the time and it was 6:10. It still had 5 more minutes. I looked at myself in the mirror. I don't know why I did, it just made me sad. Why can't I look like the guys in my school. Ugh.
Looking in the mirror made me remember my contacts. I put in my black and white contacts like my hair. Then I realized I forgot my piercings. Good God! I'm terrible today! I shoved in my K-9 bites, septum, and the bridge of my nose. Yes I have six piercings! Don't judge me!!
I looked at the time, it was 6:19 making me four minutes late. I grabbed my bag and sprinted out the door. My mother shouted something, but I didn't hear hear it as I was half way down our drive way.
I started walking the direction of my school. I took my phone out put in my head phones. Bring Me The Horizon started playing, let's just admit that Oil is sooo hot!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2016 ⏰

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