"I'm never truly gone....."

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Kuriza sat on his bed, thinking. He usually thought about many things, but nothing to specific or great, as in his next destination, if he should get some new servants, etc. But this time, as he stared down at his bedroom floor, he had one, specific thing in mind. Frieza. His father. Truth be told, he never thought of his father much, not after he was forcefully taken from him and sent off to another galaxy. Sure, the whole experience was traumatizing, and he did think of his father a lot afterwards, but only for a while. He could still remember his father, right before the event, quietly take him into a small room, and discussed a few things with him. He remembered his father telling about the future, and if there were to ever come a day where they became separate, he would travel to the ends of the Universe to find him, no matter what. He said how much he truly cared and loved him, things that Kuriza already knew. And Kuriza believed all of it. But Frieza never mentioned the plan to send Kuriza away. And so, when it had happened, when that tragic scenario played out, Kuriza could only watch with tear filled eyes, as his father turned away from him, and left the room. All the while, he cried out hopelessly for his father to save him. Kuriza hated his father after that. He began to think of all the heart felt words his father spoke to him, and soon thought of them all as lies. Not once did he accept someone who mentioned his fathers name, where that someone wasn't executed. But after the years went by, his father still appeared in his mind from time to time. Each time he'd shove it away, not bothering to remember the day of his fathers betrayal. But now he chose to think it through. He thought of his words, how his father said he'd travel to the ends of the Universe for him. Traveling to the ends of the Universe took a long time. He thought that maybe that was the reason he still hadn't found Kuriza. But a lass, Kuriza never took mind of one cruel fact. That is, until he heard a kocking at his door.

Kuriza sighed out forcefully, quickly snapped from his thoughts, and he trudged over to his door, opening it swiftly. He looked up at a guard, who stared nervously down at him. Kuriza signaled for the guard to come in, but was surprised when the man didn't obey his command. He grit his teeth. "What's the meaning of this soldier?! I told you to come in, not just stand there!!" But the guard simply swallowed hard, before clearing his throat. "I apologize my Lord, but... if i may, i have some news to share with you." Kuriza tilted his head, as he folded his arms impatiently. "Hm? News? Well then... speak!!" The guard flinched slightly at Kurizas tone, but continued on. "You see, my Lord... it's about your father-" "My father?! What about my father?!! You know perfectly well soldier, that anyone who mentions my father must be slaughtered on SIGHT!!!" Kuriza yelled furiously, as the guard stepped back, his eyes wide. "Y-yes, i know m-my Lord, but please!! It's important-!!" "What about my father could possibly be so 'important'?!" Kuriza stared threateningly at the guard, who straightened himself out. "W-well... you see, my Lord, me and the ships messenger have just received a rather... startling note...." Kurizas interest peaked at that. "A note?... what kind of note?" He watched as the guard took out a small slip of paper, before quickly grabbing it. The guard gasped. "M-my Lord, wait!! I don't think you should read it quite yet, the news is rather....my Lord?" The guard tilted his head, as he saw Kuriza begin to tremble. Before the guard could say another word, Kuriza slammed the door in his face.

Kuriza jumped onto his bed, shoving his face into his pillow, as he sobbed loudly. "Dead?! He can't dead!! I WON'T BELIEVE IT!!!" Kuriza smothered himself with his pillow furiously, as his tears stained its fabric. He couldn't believe what he read. During his many years of being away from his father, him being dead never occurred to him. But now that he read that letter, that 'note'.... he soon came to realize just how much he truly missed his father.

It wasn't long before Kuriza cried himself to sleep. The news was so heart breaking, his cries were to hard for his tired mind to handle. He eventually passed out, his head resting on a tear soaked pillow. But as he laid there, his eyes opened. But instead of seeing his usual dark, small and cozy room, he found himself in a wide, open field. He looked around confused. "Huh?..." But then his eyes set on a strange object in the distance, just on top of a hill. The tall and soft grass swayed lightly, as Kuriza squinted his eyes trying to interpret the figure. But his eyes soon widened, as his vision became more steady, and he was able to distinguish the snow white, red eyed, and slim figure that stared at him and smiled. "....dad?" Kuriza instantly felt heat behind his eyes, as new tears quickly formed. He took a step. Then another. In a few seconds, he was in an all out sprint. "Dad!!" Kuriza raced towards his father, who only smiled and watched his son draw near. Kuriza was filled with joy, as he cried out, "It's really you papa!!" Kuriza ran into his fathers arms, wrapping his own around him, and burying his face into Friezas chest, sobbing with sadness and delight. Frieza whispered lightly, as he crouched down, holding his son in an embrace. "Shhh, it's ok, i'm here...." Kuriza could only respond in a sad, yet soft cry. "I...i missed you so much!" "I know Kuriza, i know..." "Y-you... you never came back!! It's been so long papa, where did you go?!!" Kuriza looked up at his father slowly, his eyes red with tears. Frieza simply chuckled and smiled, as he wiped his sons cheeks. "Your daddy's been away for a while, hasn't he?..." Kuriza sniffed and nodded. "Uhhuh...." "Hehe....yes, i know." Frieza now felt tears threaten to form in his eyes, as he spoke sadly. "I...i'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let them take you like i did. I should've...... sigh, i should've been a better father." Frieza looked away from his son, who stared at him thoughtfully. Kuriza wiped his nose, before pulling himself up, going up to his fathers face. Frieza looked at him questionably. Kuriza smiled. "It's ok papa.... i know you loved me more than anything! And you know i love you....don't you?" At this, Frieza smiled. "Yes... i know you do Kuriza. Which is why i can't be with you anymore." Kurizas eyes widened. "Huh?! What do you mean papa!!?" "Oh Kuriza.... i don't want you to worry. I'll come back for you someday, i promise. After all...," Frieza held Kuriza to his chest, nuzzling his sons neck affectionately, making Kuriza giggle. "....i'm never truly gone....goodbye my son." Frieza then began to slowly fade away, as a tear slid down his cheek, and landed on the soft ground. 

Kuriza awoke with a gasp. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and looked around. He smiled as he looked up at his ceiling. "....goodbye papa......."

"I'm never truly gone...." A Frieza and Kuriza Oneshot!!Where stories live. Discover now