Chapter One: The Girl Who Met Fire

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A/N: Hello everybody, my name is Amber and I'll be your host for todays story. Now, you may have read one of my other stories and if you have that's great! I hope to entertain you again with this lovely story. Let the story begin!

*Author's POV*

It was a sunny evening in the bright and cheerful kingdom of Hiryu. With the beautiful fields and the great forest Nightshade. In all Hiryu's greatest beauty, there lived a girl by the name of (Y/N). She is most loved person throughout the kingdom, other then their beloved rulers. She was (Y/A) years old at the time when she met a mysterious being. Curiosity got the best of her and went to follow the being through the great forest. But before that we'll go a little back before she sees the being.

*(Y/N)'s POV*
*Few Hours Ago*

Waking up to the sound of the roaster was a great start. Getting up I get dressed, eat a little breakfast, and then start my chores. First to do was to collect eggs from our hens, then harvesting some vegetables. After about an hour my next objective was to got into town for the bakery and market. Taking my evergreen cloak, I walk the dirt roads to town seeing Mr.Douglass and his boy come by. "Good morning (Y/N)! How has your family been?" "Good morning Mr.Douglass and David! Me and my family have been doing fine. I'm just running to town for some supplies. See ya around." I said waving them both goodbye, continuing my way. Reaching the town I went straight to the bakery, with its sweet aroma. Seeing many cakes and pastries I tell the baker to get a poundcake, eccles cake, and a marlborough pie.
Once done I head to the market to get some fresh berries and apples. Grabbing blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries I go home with everything. With the heavy load, I try to stay balanced. In the corner of my eyes, I saw a flash of red and orange. Turning quickly I try to see what it was, but it ran before I could. 'What was that? I wonder if it was a fox? Should I go after it or go home...' looking around I saw my house in a distance I decided to go home. Running to my house I quickly put it on the dinning table and ran to the forest. Without even knowing I was going deeper into the forest and soon got lost. 'Oh God no, where am I! I don't even know where I'm at, I shouldn't have went deep. I hope I can find my way back.' I thought as I tried to calm down hear a branch snap and footsteps. Looking around I call out to see who's there.

*????'s POV*

Watching the girl from a far, I keep an eye on her. 'Why would someone so stupid come in here without a way out? I really don't want to help this girl, but I have a feeling that I'll have to. Most likely I'll have to knock her out, she'd run away if she saw me.' I sigh as I try to get closer only to step on a branch by accident. "Hello? Is someone there?" She called out. 'Shit, now she knows someone's here, great... but her voice, it was smooth as silk. What a beautiful voice she had, I could listen to- stop it! You can't, she'll never like me or be my friend!' I shake me head looking at her. She starts to panic as night was coming. Having a nothing of this I come out, and hear her gasp. Looking at her, I prepare to knock her out only for her just stand there, not even try to run. "So you're the red and orange I saw. I thought you were a fox, but I didn't expect a man. Who are you?" 'Very curious she is... she saw me? But how?' "Not before you tell me why you are here. No one enters the deeper part of the forest. This is my place, my home which you have come into. Get out before I make you." I growl to imitated her. She backs up in fear and tries to run away. 'Good, maybe she won't come back.' I sighed in relief, only to see her hiding behind a tree. 'Really? Can she not understand when to get out?' "I can see you. You're not really good at hiding, if I were you, I'd leave and I mean it." "But I don't know where I am. I'm lost..." she said in the most pitiful voice I've ever heard.

I sigh before grabbing her arm and dragged her through the forest. "Wh-where are we going?" "You said you were lost, I'm taking you to the edge of the forest. And next time, try not to get lost." I sighed in annoyance. "Sorry, I didn't mean to, I was only curious..." "Well curiosity can get you killed. Now, tell me who you are." "My name is (Y/N)..." she mumbled looking away in shyness. '(Y/N)... that's a lovley name.' "Well (Y/N), just be careful next time. Someone like you that gets lost could easily get hurt. It would be a shame to see someone disappear." "I-I will." "Good and you can be on your way home now. I'll take my leave." Turning around I try to walk away but a little tug stopped me. "Before I go, can you tell me way you life in the forest or at least your name? I mean you don't have-" "You don't need to know why I live in the forest, I rather you not ask around about me. If you do, people would turn there backs on you." "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." "It's fine, but I will tell you one thing and you must not tell anyone about me. Got it?" I said in a stern tone as I look at (Y/N). "Ok-Okay, but w-what is it?" "My name is Fire."

A/N: I know it was a first chapter, but that's all I can do now. Sorry if you were wanting more now. I'll try to make it longer in the next chapter. Anyway, thank you all for reading this chapter. If you liked it, vote and comment what you think of it. And as always, I'll see you, in the next chapter. Buh-Bye!

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