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His hands wound their way around her throat.  She could no longer breath and was unable to pull back from the force he was applying to her neck.  The spots were forming behind her eyes floating in and out of her vision, she was about to pass out, here it came the end of everything she held dear it was all going to be gone there would be nothing, nothing anymore.   


     The light was bright and she couldn't lift her lids.  She could tell that there was a bright light above her but, she just didn't want to open her eyes and see it.  Her eyes hurt, her head hurt and the rest of her body was hurting that is a good sign that she should just go back to sleep.  

     As she lay there not moving, she didn't hear a single thing, nothing, it was dead quite, even the buzzing that she usually heard when it was really quite was gone.  

     "Hey sleeping beauty time to wake up you can't just lay here all day."  

     The voice was smooth, however a voice that she could not place, she was sure she had never heard it before or would have remembered.  As much as she wanted to though she still could not open her eyes.  

     "It is time for you to get up, I mean really I know that you are awake.  No one ever takes this time to arise.  I can tell already that you are going to be one of those people who slack at everything and never accomplish anything.  Me personally if I was killed the same way you were I would be up and seeking vengeance."

     Her eyes popped open and she sat up "Killed!  What are you talking about I am right here."  Or not.  How was it possible that everything was hurting and there was nothing here and as for eyes she really didn't know how she opened them as far as she could tell there was nothing.  She could feel her body but, she couldn't find her body.  This made no sense.  

     "You will be all together in a few more moments or days, just be patient.  I know that this is hard for you and I understand, now I will show myself, please do not be alarmed I cannot hurt you.  Some people find it hard to look at me but, please remember that I cannot hurt you."  Out of the seemingly endless bright foggy nothing one leg then another appeared all the way up the body built itself,  black buckled boots, followed by to blue jean clad legs, an amazing torso in a tight black shirt and,

     "Oh My god!"

     "Not even close, you may call me Rykar, not to be confused ever again with God."  He said turning and looking toward her location.  

       His face had a collection of scars over it, it looked as if knives had been slashed across his cheeks.   He was far from perfect and it seemed as if he didn't care about how he was perceived.  

     "Who might you be lovely?"  

     "I don't see why I should tell you my name, I want to know where the hell I am and what am I doing here and why did you say that someone killed me?   Where is my BODY!!  I mean come on this gives all new meaning to out of body experience for me.  I want answers now before I have a complete breakdown.  Wait can nothing have a breakdown.   Shiiiittt I AM NOTHING!  Oh no I am really freaking out here man you have to tell me what is going on!  Why aren't you saying anything?"

     "Well if you are finished I will be more than happy to answer your questions but, I am going to require that you chill the heck out.  Now one question at a time.  You are in-between and someone did kill you.  As I said before your body will be all together again soon although it won't be like you are used to.  Yes you can still have a breakdown, you are not nothing.  Everything is something, and I wasn't saying anything because you were talking so fast no one could get a word in.  Now since I have answered you question how about you answer mine.  What is your name?"

     "My name is Amily,  I think I am going to pass out now."  She felt nothing as she fell into nothing.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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