Chapter I

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Author note the chapter doesn't say chapter I it's says chapter 1 but I decided to use Roman numerals for the chapter numbers

Paola's pov
I was on my phone stalking my celebrity crush aka Rahart Adams Instagram. Damn he's so cute he also post a lot about him and his girlfriend Brec Bassinger I guess she's pretty the movie they were in together was really good. God I wish I can be her. Daniela walks in. Hey Pao she said. Hi Dani I said. Are you on Instagram stalking Rahart again she said. Maybe I said. Oh my god Pao she said. Daniela takes my phone away from me. Listen Pao he has a girlfriend plus he lives in Australia plus he's famous do you really think he'll date you she said. Well I said. No he won't your a normal girl going to college and he's like a fuckboy who's famous and ignore his fans she said. He's not a fuckboy I said. Just get over him there's a lot of cute guys here plus I'm pretty sure Nick likes you why don't you give him a chance she said. Dani I don't like Nick you know that he knows that I said. Ok but you'll never meet Rahart she said.

Rahart's pov
I was in my hotel room in California getting ready for my interview with E! Entertainment. Jason Kennedy walks in. Hello Rahart big fan of your show Nowhere boys Jason said. Hi and thank you very much I said. Let's start our interview he said. We start the interview. So Rahart you and Brec Bassinger have been dating ever since you were filming Liar Liar Vampire he said. That is true I said. So everyone thinks that you guys are relationship goals how do you keep a healthy relationship he said. Well of course honestly and a lot of communication I said. After the interview. It was so nice meeting you Rahart he said. Same with you I said. The interview will air at 7pm Eastern he said. Jason leaves. Brec walks in. Oh my god baby hi she said. Brec kisses me. The stupid security guards didn't let me in so anyways want to get Chipotle she said. I wish I can Brec but Tyler actually invited me to Universal Hollywood studios I said. But I'm your girlfriend she said. But he's my best friend I said. I thought I was your best friend she said. Tyler is my best friend I said. Brec starts cry. What the hell who's your best friend Tyler is why ins't he your girlfriend omg Rahart I thought I was your everything she said. Ok fine I'll cancel with Tyler and go to Chipotle with you and you're my best friend and girlfriend and my everything I said. Brec immediately stops crying. Yay I love you she said. She kisses my cheek.

Ok ok don't yell at me saying that's not how Brec I don't watch Bella and the bull dogs and I made her like one of those creamy, jealous, sensitive girlfriend I think you know what I mean so yeah so pls don't tell me hope you like the first chapter
Original posted 4-14-16 (14-4-16)

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