Chapter 1

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"Shadekit! Shadekit! Come on! Open your eyes already. I'm bored!" Shadekit listened to the sound of her friend whining. She forced her eyes open because enough was enough, she managed to endure it for the last few days but she finally couldn't stand it any more.

She blinked at the light blinded her at first. A few seconds later the brightness was gone and she could see everything. "Rwwaaa!" the sound came from behind her. She managed to spin around and see that it was Soulkit jumping onto her before being squished by the tabby's body." About time. " she mewed getting off Shadekit and started cleaning her ruffled pelt. " Really, I accept a thank you for managing your whining for the last few days." Shadekit replied with a hint of annoyance in her tone. Really, the last few days where torture, how did I manage to put up with it? Shadekit questioned herself.

She felt movement behind her and turned to see her mother, Diamondwisker stand up. Next to her was Shadowmoon, Soulkit's mother. " Off on a little adventure then? " she asked.
"Oooh yes, Shadekit and I where just got going to leave."
" Yes, yes" Shadekit franticly nodded her tiny head. " So can we go, mother?" Diamondwisker nodded. Beside her Soulkit was practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. " Well off you go!" Shadowmoon said. With that Soulkit jumped out of the nursery and Shadekit followed.

So guys, how you liking it so far. My failure of an attempt to write in the style of warrior cats. Anyhoo, please comment and share and like and blah! I'm writing chapter 2 already, hopefully it will be a little longer!
~ Blazingtail

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