alone:day 1 for foxy

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As the black and red fox raised it's head and sniffed the cold night air one of the kits she just had ,Yipped and this so happened to be foxy and his very hungry siblings so the mother fox some how let not a single kit die and this is one's life story.

As the red fox stalked his prey which was a mouse he kept making it go a few feet ahead and so he followed and followed and he met the fox of the rest of his life.after had mated and tied this fox was in heat and had a hunting mate so he came back after their third tieing and bore deep wounds that had dirt and small thorns and pebbles soon he died right after the birth where he found out they were not his and died mating because foxy came back and killed him in a fight. Yet foxy still bore a torn ear scared eye and half a tail but he lived and fought for her ever since soon he discovered that her name was flower because when she was born it was mid day and the air smelled of flowers such as roses and daisies.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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