My Best Friend's Boyfriends Lips 1

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Ok I'm Really nervous this is my first story so Positive feedback please







                                            My Best Friend's Boyfriends Lips

I was eating lunch with my best friends. Cindy was eating fries looking disgusted as much as I was watching Clover make out with her new boyfriend a.k.a biggest player at our school.

''Really can't you do that somewhere else?'' I asked.

''I agree with Mel the janitors closet isn't far from here you know.'' Cindy said.

They didn't listen only kept making out, practically doing 'it' on the table.

''You want to go the restroom?" I asked Cindy.

''Yeah I lost my appetite.'' She said.

''I know what you mean.''

We told them we were going but I don't think they heard. We threw away our lunches and grabbed our bags and left the cafeteria to head to the bathroom to re-apply our makeup will she was, I just didn't want to stick around.


''What do you think blue or black.'' Cindy said pointing to the eyeliner.

''Hmmm... Black'' I said while looking through my bag trying to find my diary, when I remembered I left it in Mrs. Seagulls class.

''Hey I got to go left my text book in Mrs. Seagulls class, mua see you later.'' I said blowing a kiss to her. I can't tell her I lost my diary no one knows I have a diary.

''Ok but promise you won't leave me with Clover and her new boy of the week.'' She said.

''Cross my heart and hope to die.''


I was walking in the hallways when I felt an unfamiliar arm go around my shoulder. I looked up and it was Matthew, Clover's boy of the week.

''What do you want?" I asked a little annoyed.

''Will I want a better sex buddy, a 2013 sports car, oh a spot in the NFL, a new sister, hmm... what abou-'' He said.

''I get you want crap and hey what do you by a better 'it' buddy?" I asked.

''Aww your so cute you didn't say the word sex you said 'it' aren't you just adorable.'' He cooed trying to pinch my cheeks.

''Back off I don't want to catch your STD's.'' I said.

''What STD's I have any.'' He said.

''When was the last time you checked?" I asked, moving his arm off of me.

''Never, but I know I have none.'' He said.

I laughed.

He was staring at me like, will I don't know how.

''You have a nice laugh.'' He said.


''Umm... thanks.'' I said nervously.

''Where are you headed?" He asked.

''To the closet to screw some stranger.'' I said sarcastily.

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