Chapter 1

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There was darkness, complete darkness leading into the unknown. Everything should be clear but it's not, only from the tiny bit of light coming from under the metal door. There in the corner sat someone who was not visible enough but the outlining of made it slightly clear that it was a girl, her hair covering her face while she rests her head upon her knees. she sits there shivering from the coldness that fills the room, it's small and disgusting, the room running alive with spiders and cockroaches. The girl sits there knowing about what is going to be happening to her, such as the fact that she could be tortured just because of something that has previously happened but staying quiet as she will not give anything up to people she obviously doesn't trust. She's wondering why she isn't dead now actually, why couldn't they just end her suffering, is to make her think about whether her friends and family have been killed before to make her more angry and for her to explode. Not knowing if any of your loved ones are dead will indeed make you angry, but you mustn't do so as that shows your weakness.

Suddenly, there are loud footsteps coming from behind the door, the girl knows that whoever is down there is coming for her. Then the footsteps stop, it goes all quiet when she hears the person behind the door sticking their hands in their pocket to pull out the keys to her very door. She hears the person put the keys in the door and counts down to when the door opens "3...2...1". Light flooded into the room but it was directed all onto the girl, she didn't look up at first, she waited until the person made there move but they didn't. She started to look up and stopped when she could she everything that she needed to see, it was either a man or a very tall boy dressed in a suit, probably dressed to impress but that didn't work. The figure moved towards the girl, she started to stand up, using the wall to steady herself so that she wouldn't fall to the floor. As the figure got closer, she final noticed that it was not a man after all but yet it was a boy who looked no older then 19. The boy then grabbed her left arm and pulled her along with him, what the boy hadn't notice was when he pulled her out of that room was that the girl was holding a piece of sharp glass within her right hand.

The girl started to squint at the sight of the light in the corridor as it was to bright for her eyes as she has been locked away for so long, but the thing was that she didn't know how long she has been locked away for, could it have been days, weeks, probably months. All she wanted was to get out of this place, this very place which was once a mental hospital for the people who were incredibly different to other people. They both started to walk down the corridor, the main priority was to get away, then the girl remember that she was still holding the piece of glass she had picked up. She looked back and forth between the boy then the glass and then back to the boy, she knew exactly were to aim and that was directly into his throat, it was the best place to aim as he would have no way in getting someone to come to his help as he would be choking on his own blood. She took at deep breath, raised her right hand up and stabbed him right in the side of his neck. The boy dropped the girls' arm and placed both his hands around his throat to stop the blood but there was no use, the girl looked the boy right into his eyes, a tear fell down his face and at the same time he tried grabbing out to the girl who happened to get a bloody hand print on her arm. She pushed him to the floor, then started to run, finding the best way to get out of the building, hoping at the same time that someone she knows was waiting for her.


New story, I haven't been on wattpad in ages, so applauses for if this isn't good but anyway I hope you like this new story. I wrote this out ages ago but only decided that today I should upload it. So anyway, enjoy and I would also love to see some feed back from you guys.

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