Child Of Chaos ~1~

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I always knew I was different.... Why did it have to be because of my father.... As a small child I didn't know the difference between strange and normal.... But when I turned 5 my mom and dad came and said this strand man was here to get me...
~flash back~
"Honey there's someone here to see you!"
I looked up... Even at 5 I never really talked. Not even to my parents. I followed them out to see a well dressed man in a suit with attractive hair that fringed in the front and spiked like a crown in the back.
"Who he?" The man picked me up. "Sweety I'm your daddy!" The man tossed me in the air and caught me, making me giggle and make plane noises. He smiled up at me and spun around. "Anything you want to grab before we go?" I nodded and ran into the house to grab my favorite Teddy that looked like a wolf and ran back out then looked at my parents as they waved bye. I never felt the love a normal child felt toward a parent like I did with this new man.... That's why I went so willingly. I would not miss them and I knew that...
~end flash back~
I sat in my window staring out at the deserted street. No one came out here.... They all feared my father... Nyarlathotep... The crawling chaos. That's how everyone knew him.... My name is Danillian by the way.... Danillian Chaotic.... Given the name by my father. I don't know my mother... He never let me see her... But I don't care... I pick up my drawing pad, opening it and drawing the street and a few abandoned houses then frame the picture and make it look like it's being seen threw a window. My window. The window I've seen since I was 5. The window I'll see until father teaches me what he does so I can take over. You see... I'm the princesses of chaos. I smile at my drawing and hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" Dad walks in and smiles. "Honey I brought you something to eat!" I take the tray and smile. He stares down at me and sighs. "You know it's unhealthy to be alone so much.... Why not go on a walk after you eat?" I nod and begin eating fruits and meat he brought me. Chicken nuggets... He knows it's my favorite. I nibble one of the nuggets and smile wider. "Thanks dad and I will" he leaves and I finish my food, pushing open my window and pulling my hoodie on. Before I leave I grab my phone and mp3 player and slip out onto the street. It's always quiet out here... I can clear my head.... I don't quite have control of my powers yet. I turn on a song and twirl, setting a house on fire by accident. Oops.... Anyway.... I'll keep walking like normal. I walk down the street slowly... Then I begin running.... As I reach my favorite place I slow... A beautiful field with the brightest green grass and dotted with red, white and purple flowers. I sit on a hill and change the song, picking the nearest flower then another and another. I gather thin vines and make a basket then collect flowers and sit back down and begin making a flower crown. One by one, braiding the stems together and placing it on my head... Then he walked up.......

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2016 ⏰

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