Chapter 1

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Liam p.o.v

I walked through the halls with my headphones on when I saw someone walk up to me and said "Are you Liam Solar?" I looked up and said "Yes. Why am I needed?" Right when I said that, he grabbed my wrist and started walking towards an empty classroom. I started to get scared when he locked the room.

"Liam.... Your not normal and neither am I." He said as I started to get confused. "What do you mean?" I said as suddenly I felt like I couldn't move. "We aren't human. I'm a vampire. Your a were-" he shut his mouth before he started talking again. "Your not a vampire." He said calmly.

I took a step back and said "then what am I? Am I a monster?" He responded with "Your a werewolf. Your my sworn enemy." I looked at him with a saddened look on my face.

I turned to walk out of the room when I felt something grab my arm. "Don't go. I want to explain why no-one told you this" he said as I felt myself become curious. 'Noone told you about who you really are because noone wanted to let you know about the war inbetween us and I just wanted to warn you that once you leave this room, I will not be protecting you anymore."

"Wait.... your that person who always yelled from the shadows to the people who almost attack me most of the time?" I asked as my eyes widended in surprise. "Yes,I was the one who has been protecting you all this time. But I can't anymore now that you know who you are." He said as I took his hand away from my arm and opened the door.

"Why did you tell me all of this? Here I walked around thinking that I was a normal person and you ruin it. I never wanted to know any of this. Goodbye Elucian" I said as I whispered the words "My crush" to myself.

"Bye" He said as I walked out of the room and was handed a shiny blade that I accidentally dropped. I bent over to pick it up and felt someone grab my ass. I looked at the person and it was none other than Elucian. I almost said something when my older brother came and picked both me and the shiny blade up. I looked at my older brother as everyone but Elucian swooned over how cute me and my brother looked together. I looked at him and said "Please put me down Leo." with a cute look. He blushed and put me back down. "Thanks brother. Love you" I said as I hugged him and everyone but Elucian started taking pictures. "Love you too little brother. Can we speak after school?" He said as I grabbed the blade from big brother. "Yeah. You know you can always speak to me. I'll always listen to you. Just not do EVERYTHING you say, but i'll listen."

I put the blade away as he kissed my forehead and walked away with every girl behind him. Thank God I don't have to worry about the crowd anymore. But now I have to worry about Elucian. "Next time we see each other, I will end you" He said as he stormed off.

I walked into my next class which just happened to be science. I hate science yet I have to pass it.

After school

I walked up to my brother and he said "Do you know the secret yet?" I nodded yes and said "Am I a monster though?" I asked as tears stinger my eyes. "No your not. Remember we only have each other. No mom and no dad. Just big bro. I will protect you until you can learn how to use divine weapons." He said and I got confused. "Aren't divine weapons for...... Wait.... I'm a divine werewolf?!?!" I asked as I felt him hug me and he said "Yes. You are my Lord to be specific. Though I am older. You got Mom's throne."

"Wait.... What? You mean that I just so happened to blessed by God and given these powers I didn't know existed in me?!?!?!?!" He nodded a yes and I felt my heart race. "So I'm the person of importance here?" I asked as more people showed up behind my brother. I looked at them and recognized one person. It was Uncle Jay. I walked up to him and gave him a hug.

Uncle hugged me back as I said "Hello Uncle! How ya been?" in a happy mood. "I've been better. I should be asking you the same." He said as I felt myself get torn away from his arms and into my older brother's arms. "What's wrong Leo?"

"That's not them." He said as I thought on it hard and said "Then who are they?".

"They are shapeshifters." He said as tears ran down my face. "WHERE THE HELL DO YOU GET OFF BY THIS" I said as I lost control and stabbed the main one in the head with my divine rapier.

He died and everyone else fled in fear. I felt my older brother say "please don't do that again. You had me very worried." As I felt like he was scolding me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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