Deep Blue Seas

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Deep Blue Seas #RedefiningMentalHealth

[The following article is part of the #RedefiningMentalHealth project, for more information on this project visit (storyzok's Wattpad account)]

The human mind is a galaxy of cruel self-loathing and mixed emotions, an explosion of hurt with betrayal and pure innocence. Staying in control of these separate worlds is a challenge in its own, and your imagination tends to collide the two worlds together.

Sometimes, not in the best way.

This world is separated in two parts. One part of the world is in control of their lives and aware of what's going on, the other half is fighting an ongoing battle.

Dealing with mental issues is like stepping onto a minefield, all is calm yet you feel paranoid and scared, and suddenly, everything blows up in your face. The thing with mental issues is that, we can take medication for it, we can go to therapy for it, but it will always be a part of our lives. For as long as we live, we are fighting, we are warriors.

The fact that people say, "Do you want to get better?" and "Are you even trying to get better?" is like two blows to the gut, we want to get better and we are trying to get better, but thing about mental illnesses is they just don't go away.

We don't want you to put yourself in our shoes, we want you to understand that we are fragile yet strong; that the slightest things can hurt us yet we are forever fighting.

We want you to support us and treat us like you would treat anyone else, laugh and joke with us, make us forget we're dying inside, just for a moment.

Make us happy, make us laugh, because anyone struggling with mental issues will agree with me and say; 'We live for today, and that doesn't mean we drink and party, it means we understand death better than others, we live for the small, happy moments, we do the good we can do today.'

That's how "life" is supposed to be lived.

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