The Death of a Super?

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He was dead. Silver Fist, the superhero with the longest career of any superhero to exist in the Mega City of New Brighton had exploded into a million pieces. It was a brutal murder, everyone and their brother saw it that day.

  It was to be the final fight between Silver Fist and his arch nemesis, The Barium Barron. The two had fought for almost three hours before Silver Fist was able to impale the Barron with his silver spear, and the cheer that rose from the waiting crowd quickly turned into a gasp of fear as the Barron mustered together one last attack and shot Silver Fist with his Bury-em gun. Silver Fist had dropped suddenly from the sky, disappearing from the people's view before suddenly flying back, fist raised above his head to punch his foe, only to pause for a moment and then explode.

  It was quite the graphic death and the news stations were banned from playing the clip after the first thousand times. something about the content being sensitive. But the video that news crews used was originally uploaded to you tube and by the end of the day had received over a billion views . The Silver Fist was dead, no doubt about it. Few people saw the Barron sink slowly from the sky to land on a sky scrapper, and even fewer noticed the rather stocky man land on his back, watching the helicopters circling the battle ground before heaving a large sigh and closing his eyes before fading away, leaving only a puddle of blood, and the silver spike that impaled him behind.

Not to long after the fight, and not quite far enough away to avoid the number of people surging toward the block the two supers had used for their duel, two exhausted looking young men walked into their favorite burger joint and plopped themselves down into their favorite booth, neither looking at the menus placed before them. The waitress, Sunny, who usually bused their table walked over without the usual bounce in her step.

"Tough day at work?" Neither man responded, both too tired to make much more than a responsive grunt. The stockier of the two looked up at the tv screen across the bar, and the waitress followed his gaze as she picked up the menus. "Its just sad. After all of these years I thought Silver Fist was just going to keep fighting." There came a snort from the taller of the two men, but the waitress kept talking. "I feel like he has always been here, like he was the one constant thing in this city. Someone we could depend on. Its sad that he had to give his life to defend this city."

"Its not like other hero's haven't died doing the same thing, maybe even protecting the world from something more dangerous." The taller man spoke, but was quickly rebuffed by his friend.

"Come on Sam, go easy on the guy. He did just die, after all, and I'm pretty sure he tried his best." The waitress watched the two men tiredly glare at each-other, before mumbling something about 'I'll get the usual' and shuffling off to the kitchen. The two watched her go before moving their tired gaze to the screen.

"You know Brent, its just that, Silver Fist faked his death by fighting his best friend and other Super Heros have actually died saving people." Sam sighed and turned to look at his best friend. "And now that Silver Fist is officially dead, I don't know what to do with myself Brent." Brent raised an eyebrow, smirked, but changed that smirk for a pained expression as he carefully crossed his arms in front of him, leaned on his elbows and lowered his voice. They were the only ones currently in the restaurant, but one could never be too careful.

"I don't know what you are complaining about. I'm the one that actually got impaled, remember? You just threw an exploding mannequin into the air." Sam snorted and also leaned forward, dropping his voice to a tired murmur.

"I'm just glad I missed your lungs. I didn't mean for it to get that close to your heart." Brent shrugged it off and pulled down his sweater to reveal an already fading circular scar that was just a little too close to the vital organ for comfort.

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