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Walking down the hall, Cole avoided a punch, a trip, and several slaps. This might sound a bit harsh to you, but to Cole, it was just another day in the life of an unpopular Air Sweepers missionist. The Air Sweepers are a group of raiders who raid the castles of the Seven Kingdoms of The Edge. The Edge is a magical place that marks the end of the universe we know. Except the people that live there don't know about our world.

Cole made it back to his room in thirty seconds without being hit. "New record," he mumbled to himself drearily.

"You must be happy then," said his roommate Magnus with unfunny humor.

"Oh yah!" Cole mumbled sarcastically. He was in a really bad mood because he had come back from a raid empty handed, which meant the next one would be his. And that is bad news because the next one was on the palace of Zeroxville, where the High King lived. And when it comes to defending treasure, he is your guy.

"What's wrong?" Magnus asked.

"What do ya mean?" Cole said flopping onto his stiff bed.

"Come on, I know that face!" Magnus said.

"Ugh!" Cole replied.

"Come on, spill it!" Said Magnus.

Cole appreciated Mangus, for he was one of his only friends, but he hated how he always knew what he was thinking.

"Fine," Cole said. "The raid failed."

"Which means..." Magnus pressed.

"That I have to raid the High Kings castle."

"Damn!" Magnus said, clearly surprised. "A raid has never gone that bad," he said.

"No loot. Harold died. It was bad." Cole replied. "And what's worse, since Harold died, my partner, I have to do it myself."

"Oh, damn!" Said Magnus.

"And until they find a new partner, all my raids will solo!" Cole exclaimed.

"Look on the bright side," said Magnus. "Maybe you will be my partner!"

"Ha, ha, unlikely Magnus," Cole said.

"Seriously, it's possible," Magnus said trailing off. That ended the conversation.

Cole looked around at the horrible bedroom. The flower wallpaper was peeling, the bunk bed was tilting, and the only furniture was a small desk and chair.

It was the end of the day, and Cole knew he should go to bed.

' * * * * *

Cole was out at the shipyard. On every raid, the raider or raiders, each have a magic and regular item. Cole's were a sword and a magic bow that doesn't require arrows. You simply drew the string, and an arrow would appear.

He walked toward the ship he would be taking for the raid. He climbed aboard. The ship was called the Domino. The captain was already aboard. "Aye, mate!" said the captain, Oscar. He and Cole were almost friends, since Cole always used this ship for raids, and Oscar was the captain.

"Hi Oscar," said Cole the floorboards creaking.

"Where to?" Oscar asked.

"The palace of Zeroxville," Cole said.

"You must have done something pretty damn bad," said Oscar. "Anyway, I won't talk about it.

"Thanks, Cole mumbled.

"Up, up and away!" shouted Oscar.

The ship flew up, rising above the trees.
Ya. The ships fly.
Cole was anxious the get to the palace. He obviously didn't want to raid the High Kings palace, but die, become a criminal, escape; he wanted to get it over with. But it would be an hour long ride, so that wasn't happening

* * * * *

Cole wiped the crumbs of his sandwich of his face. He and Oscar had just eaten lunch. They were nearly at the castle, and Cole's mouth went dry even though he had just had some water. He really didn't want to do this. Everyone who tried ended up a slave, a prisoner, or dead. He started sweating.

Oscar saw this. "Don't worry mate," he said. "Just get in the vault, take the loot, and get out."

Cole stayed silent.

The ship was soon directly above the palace.

Oscar opened the hatch in the floor. They would send Cole down on a rope, and he would sneak into the secret hatch the Air Sweepers built on every palace.

Oscar lowered the rope. "Down ya go kid," he said

Cole slung his bow across his shoulders, and jumped on the rope. He climbed down and landed on the massive roof of the palace. He stepped forward to reach the secret hatch, but bumped a loose shingle.

Cole cursed himself as he watched the shingle fall of the roof. It hit a guard on the head.

Cole didn't move, but as the guard collapsed, the others looked up. "Oh, crap," said Cole. They had seen him. One of them reached to his belt. He pulled out a horn, and blew into it.

A hatch that had been perfectly hidden in the roof sprang open. Half a dozen knights came out.

Cole drew his bow and shot down the first one. He quickly unsheathed his sword, and parried a thrust. He cut down the man and started backing up. He couldn't take them all. He reached the edge of the roof and knew there was no other option.

He sheathed his sword and sprang forward. He then jumped of another knight's head, knocking him off the roof. His dark hair whipped across his face as he reached for the rope. His hand wrapped around it, and so did his other one a split second after.

He climbed through the hatch, into the ship. "Out now," Cole told Oscar.

Oscar turned the ship in the direction of the base. But something wasn't right. Cole sensed it. He ducked just in time to keep his head.

Somehow a knight had gotten on the ship. He hit Cole it the head with the flat of his blade. Oscar whipped around fumbling for his sword. Cole fell to the floor. His vision was blurred and his head was ringing, but he reached for the small throwing knife that all Air Sweepers carried. He pulled it out of the sheath and threw it at the knight. It pierced his armor, stabbing his heart.

He tumbled over the side, leaving his sword on the ship. Then Cole blacked out.

* * * * *

He woke up lying in a bed. His head was wrapped in a bandage. There was a small table with an Air Sweeper's throwing knife alongside his bow and sword.

Then he realized where he was. The infirmary in the Air Sweeper's base. But he didn't remember getting here. The last thing he remembered was killing the knight on the Domino.

A girl walked over to his bed and at first, he didn't remember. But then he did. The fire red hair, the blue eyes, fair skin, freckles, this was Amanda. They had met when Cole became a slave.

They were only friends, but Magnus joked that they liked each other. It was kind of annoying. But really, Cole liked Amanda. He would just never mention it to Magnus.

"Hi Cole," Amanda said.

"Hey Amanda," Cole said.

"Boss told me to check on you," Amanda said.

"Oh," said Cole. "I feel fine."

"You'll have to stay here another day," said Amanda. "That knife is for you," she said gesturing to the throwing knife. Cole didn't reply.

"Well," said Amanda. "I'd better leave." "You need rest." And then, she kissed Cole. It was only for a second, but it was the most blissful second in Cole's life.

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