Tagging Bwaze

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Hi hi! So I was tagged by General_GS and I guess the rules are; Share 13 facts about myself lest I get punished by them!
Errrrm, I also have to tag 15 people buuut I don't really know  fifteen people, and I'm too shy to tag other people so I'm only tagging one, m- maybe two.
Onward to the facts!

1.) I am 16 years old, turning seventeen in June.
2.) I am in my junior year of high school, and I'm having the time of my life. I joined the newspaper club recently and I love all of the things I get to do.
3.) Although I may be fun and high energy here, in real life I'm actually quite shy. But I'm nice I pinky promise.
4.) I began shipping Tyvan around two years ago, I don't remember when exactly but maaan I've been obsessed with them ever since.
5.) I am very neutral on H2OVanoss. I will write fics for it, but I'm not shipping it much. I also don't like Minicat, and the reason why is cause I just don't see it as much as others too. Plus, those two ships irk me a bit since they steal the spotlight of other really great ships.
6.) I started drawing about three years ago since my best friend had inspired me to draw. I am self taught and had just recently began drawing full bodies and comfortably falling into my own style.
7.) I've been writing since I was in sixth grade.
8.) I have two best friends.
9.) Vancat is my otp, and Terrornoss is my main ship aside from that. I ship Evan with almost everyone.
10.) I was born in Puerto Rico
11.) I am awful at math.
12.) I love reading
13.) Because of Evan, I've began loving owls.

I tag; SweetTears_xiii Your_Final_Fantasy and MichelGBoop

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