Chapter 1 - "Um, you do realise your back zip is undone, right?"

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Chapter 1 – "Um, you do realise your back zip is undone, right?"

"But mum, I really do not want to go!" I yelled while adjusting a navy blue dress to my hourglass figure, letting the delicate silk carefully touch my bare skin.

"Just get ready; we are late as it is." Mom pushed open the door to my room, pausing for a minute to comment on my attire before walking towards the mirror and grabbing hold of the MAC eyeshadow palette and exiting the room.

I struggled to push the zip behind my dress. My hands moving in vain to close the zip but of no use. I walked towards the mirror turning my back on it and fidgeting once again in attempt to pull up the zip.

"Hey get your own mirror." I scrunched up my face as I shoved my sister out of the way who was blocking the entire mirror with her red bodycon dress.

"Why don't you?" I retorted back as she grabbed her eyeliner pot, shoving her face in front of the mirror. Blocking any sight of another human being.

I let out an exhausted huff and ran downstairs to put on my heels on. I was already annoyed that I had to attend my mother's friend's daughter's party that now I even had to wear a 4inch heel sandal that for sure I will definitely feel the pain in the morning. I mean who even invented this thing? Are there people out there who physically want to see people suffer from severe leg pain, I mean besides the fact that heels help with your posture or so they say, how do they help with circulation or even walking one step at a time without getting a throbbing pain.

I scrunched up my face into a disgusted look as I grabbed the sandal and strapped it to my feet. Standing up to test a few walks as if I was on a runway and tilting my body towards a long mirror making sure to check my outfit.

My eyes trailed from my shoes, to my hips and then to my chocolate brown eyes. I forced on a smile as I reassured myself that I will be placing my foot back in this house by the blink of an eye.

A knock followed on the front door followed by a shriek of "Mila can you get that?" failing to reply to the request.

I debated on my situation now bear in mind, my back is nakedly exposed much to my disappointment to zip up my dress; I let out a grunt as I forced my waddling legs towards the front door.

I unlocked the bolt and pull on the handle as a squeaky sound let off by the door. I adjusted my gaze on a dapper man with a navy blue suit and a bow tie around his neck. His coffee brown hair gelled in a backward transition and his lips tinted into a lopsided smile. It was none other than my hysterically goofy friend Jason.

"Thank God you're coming. I don't know what I would do with you." I rushed up to give him a tight hug as my heart beat came to a halt knowing that there would at least be one familiar face at the party.

I pulled back from the hug, allowing Jason entrance into the house. "This is for you." He pulled out a bouquet of pink Larkspur flowers wrapped in a perfect bow of white linen cloth.

My eyes lit up at the sight of it, it was beautiful. I gasped at the beauty of it, Jason would always surprise me on occasions like this with a bouquet of my favourite flowers to make me feel better about myself and it always works, he truly is the greatest friend anyone can ever ask for. He elegantly handed me the flower and I took it with one hand.

"Thank you. These are beautiful..." I teared up "'re the best Jay."

"Clearly not if I made you cry." He shut the door behind him.

"Tears of happiness you fool." I turned around as I headed into the dining room, gently opening the linen bow and adding to the remaining flowers on the vase.

"It's really beautiful." I wiped a tear as I entered into the room.

"So just allergies then?" Jason played with his cufflink, cheekily checking himself out in the mirror.

"Jeez...I'm sorry for getting emotional." I put my hands up in defence so as to surrender to his inquisition. I transformed myself in front of the mirror again, checking myself for the last time before I leave for hell.

"Um, you do realise your back zip is undone, right?" Jason raised an eyebrow as his eyes focused on my back.

"Ah, damn it! Do you mind?" I asked with an embarrassed expression on my face.

"The things I do for you." Jason shook his head from left to right so as reprimand to my careless action. I couldn't help that I was clumsy at times. I was just glad that Jason noticed it before anyone else- he saved me from a ton of humiliation.

My eyes wandered to his as I watched how the satisfaction in his hazelnut brown eyes moved to the movement of the zip almost as if he was happy my zip was undone. I shook the thought from my mind as I focused my attention on fixating my hair.

"All ready."

_ _ _

"Thank you for accompany me." I took a sip out of the drink that Jason handed me.

"My pleasure as always." He smiled and raised his glassed half way into air almost as if he was raising a toast before he sipped on some Jack Daniels on the rock. I have never understood how he would swallow that nasty taste down his gullet. I remember experimenting once and the taste was awful ever since that day I have never touch the beverage again.

My eyes wandered around the room once more as I subconsciously prejudged them. It was the typical crowd of the beer club men, the chattering selfie taking 'queens', little kids playing hide and seek and mum's gossiping around every corner.

I faked a smile to the crowd and swallowed the judgment by drinking down a glass of virgin long island ice tea.

The DJ turned down the music to a slower beat and all the ladies scattered to grab their men out of the beer club and accompany them on the dance floor following a two-step as they synced their hips and feet's to the rhythm of the song.

"May I?" Jason raised out the palm of his hand.

"You can't be serious!" I swallowed the drink as I rendered speechless for a second whilst examining his face for any sign of this being a joke but his face was of pure seriousness and that charming expression said it all.

"Does it look like I am joking!?" He pulled my arm and my body came crashing towards his as we awkwardly joined in with the couples on the dancefloor. My arms rested on his shoulder and the other in his hand and we moved to the rhythm of the beat. I swayed my hips to the rhythm and tapped my heels on the floor and unexpectedly ended up enjoying the party after all, as with every song we stayed on the dancefloor busting a move. The song changed from slow, to hip-hop and ended up with the banging beat of electronic music.

Needless to say I was exhausted by the end of it. My feet were crying tears of blood and my face were drooling with sweat- in short, I was a mess.

I grabbed my stuff to head towards the door when my eyes wandered to the boy in blue jeans with a black hoodie packing away his laptop and the other equipment off the DJ Table on the stage. His eyes landed on mine and I quickly drifted them away looking around the room in an awkward manner.

Too bad I wasn't able to pull the causal gaze as when I uneasily strolled my eyes back to him; he was still looking intently at me.

A smile creeped onto his full lips before his eyes lost concentration and landed back on the equipment he was putting away. I smiled back although slightly too late as he was busy talking to the other lads with him.

"Ready to go?" Jason placed his hand on my back and we headed towards the door.

I turned my glance back at the boy but he was too busy talking to the other guys to notice me. 

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