The new start

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"Mom I'm home!" I called while taking my shoes off.
" In the kitchen" she said
I walk in and smelled the food mhmm my favorite pasta. " hi honey, how was your day? She said I sighed " Mom you know how it is, I get bully by Ashley all the time I don't know what I did to her." "Well I got good new !" She said. "Really , well tell me!" Well we're moving to Ohio!" My jaw drop to the floor . I didn't know if I was happy or scared or sad?!? "What?" I said still in shock. "Yup!" Before I could even said anything she said "go to your room and pack!"
I went to my room and look out the window remembering this is my last days in Maryland.
------------------------------------------------------Hey guys this is my first book please read I know it's bad so please give my credit
Bye mel was here😊

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